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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The important thing to remember about composing shots like that is the light source.

    Look at the moon, figure out where the sun has to be. Now look at the shadows on the plane/contrails and figure out where the sun has to be. If it's not pretty close, you can tell it's a fake.

  2. The F-117 is undeniable, but it's also very obvious and still a lot is "black" and inaccessible.


    The F-4 is a good choice, although proving it "changed the face" will be harder because it's not so blatant.


    The UH-1 certainly ranks up there, if anything higher than the F-4.

  3. So, it's already been cracked, but we won't release it to people willing to pay?? I don't get it. What further damage could be caused??


    I can see the "revamp for the Western release" logic, even if I don't agree with it (because of the afore-mentioned certainty it will be cracked), but why close the barn doors after the livestock left, got killed, was butchered, and is now on your table?

  4. Well, those planes were all designed to fly off carriers that had known capabilities, so that's not saying all that much. They also take off from shore runways which may have not only no headwind but crosswind. I would think the only difference is going to be usable payload/fuel load if you have a still/negative wind.

    A plane that can't use a cat designed for a long takeoff roll like an SR-71, though, is just out of the question.

  5. Geez JM we miss you :yes:


    Congrats Dave.


    Not my fault, it's the DoD!! CA is small enough to slip "under the radar", but SimHQ is now blocked as a "games" site. Proxy server says no go.

    Maybe if you guys got a new URL I could return. :wink:


    As for accessing from home, I just don't have that much time to do it. What time I have for the PC is spent gaming on it rather than surfing.

  6. "They are not perfect, but if someone gave me a ride in a time machine, there are a couple of stops I would make and one of those would have been to the Navy recruiter's office..."




    Reminds me of that scene in Pvt Benjamin when she first gets to boot camp.

    "I'm sorry, I seem to be in the wrong Army. Where's the one with the nice rooms?"

  7. I'll never reach the numbers here I have at SimHQ, but that's a GOOD thing.

    I also only visit there like once a month now since I can't access them from work anymore. The weird part is for having spent so much time there you'd think I'd feel the absence more than I do. :dntknw:


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