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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The problem with low-alt flight is that while you're safer from the bigger SAMs and fighters, you're more vulnerable to the IR SAMs and AAA which are far harder to spoof. You also have to worry about CFIT (a problem the Bone has had a very public relationship with over the years) when you're doing 600kts below 500ft!


    I meant "Mach 2" when I said supersonic because I don't consider "1.2" to be very supersonic. :wink:

  2. The B-1B lost its supersonic capability when the inlets were changed to make the plane more stealthy. The F-117 and B-2 projects were already underway, but the altering of the intake design clearly reflected that they knew what they wanted in the RCS reduction arena.

    There were some other changes from the A to the B, but they're not nearly as significant.


    Last time I flew one was in F4 RP4 or something. I remember dropping 80+ mk82s on an airbase north of the DMZ at 500 kts and 500 ft. SWEET. :biggrin:

  3. I don't think any former Russian planes are still flying in Germany. The MiG-29s were the last to go, but they're all gone AFAIK. Do remember next year it will be 20 years since the Wall fell. :grin: Those MiG-29s were delivered not long before that, so they were the newest and most capable planes they inherited from the GDR.

  4. Yet all the actual research I've seen indicates they have almost exactly the same number of issues on average as MS users. The difference is people have NO patience for MS while Mac and Linux lovers accept almost anything and don't blink.


    Think of it this way...someone takes a dump on your hand. If it's your infant baby, you don't mind. If it's your drunk next door neighbor, you mind. Yet the stats would show identically.

  5. I built a D for the girlfriend in HS, not seen it in 15 yrs now. Also built her a Vor'cha. I have the C in the closet, been there for years along with Voyager. The Defiant is "built" (only missing one piece) but unpainted and decaled. Basically when I moved into my house I just never seemed to have the time for them anymore.


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