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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. There are some reviews of it out there around the web. One was done on SimHQ that I recall clearly.

    Basically it was buggy to the point of unplayability at times and you only had a small number of scripted single missions to play. No "campaign", no multiplayer, no randomly generated single missions. Once you played through those missions, all you could do was play through them again.

  2. They just don't get it. The only "safe and effective means of combating software piracy" was already done! The game is too complex for people who don't have the manual anyway. There is no CP that can't be cracked by those determined to do so. Stardock has no CP at all and they're doing fine.


    I wish there was a way to compare the number of sales gained by preventing it from working easily for those who pirate it to those lost by people who simply refuse to have anything to do with Starforce. Something tells me the number of would-be pirates who will now buy the game is far smaller than the legit customers who will be put off. Most companies use SecuROM now (although there's a separate uproar about them) because it's more acceptable. The fact that they didn't go that route but chose SF instead will make a lot of people VERY upset.

  3. The fact is that it doesn't matter if Vista is ok or not since it's not in a bubble. If you can't get drivers and/or apps to work properly with it, whose fault is it?

    Vista-aware programs work fine, which is great as long as you never need to use older programs. If you do, you could be in trouble. The OEMs still haven't totally gotten a handle on Vista's revised driver model. XP's had flaws, but the OEMs had years to figure out how to work with and around them. Vista changed that to fix things but the OEMs are STILL playing catch-up.

    I wonder if Vista SP2 will be out before Windows 7? Or will Windows 7 be in effect Vista SP2? I mean, face it XP SP2 is a different animal than XP SP1, which also crashed on me a lot.

  4. I've got the lit-up version of that model. Still looks pretty good despite being about 17 yrs old now. Bad part was one of the lights stopped working when I glued the saucer together, must have bent the connector too far.

    The engines for those ST models are always a pain, whether the Enterprise, a Klingon ship, or one of the other Federation ones (I have Reliant, Excelsior, and Enterprise E as well).

  5. Italian food. Wait, I mean good Italian food. :wink:

    I can always be happy in an Italian restaurant, or ordering something Italian off the menu at a place that isn't, as long as it's good.

  6. me me me :clapping:



    you did the whole shebang? :)


    Yeah, mother-in-law is really into it, including the readings at the beginning. :wink: Wife can get a bit exasperated with it at times, though!

  7. Sad!


    I love these helicopters!


    Twas a marvelous workhorse! So is the CV-22 going to replace it?


    I was kinda hoping that someone in Hollywood would finally get around to filming the story of the Son Tay prison raid and use some of the original aircraft that participated in this mission. Can't belive that operation has not being picked up at tinseltown! Oh well...


    There was talk of making Clancy's Without Remorse (which has Clark participating in an ancilliary way with that op) about 10 years ago, but then all that happened was Sum of All Fears got made and Clancy films never returned.

  8. Haven't met anyone since the 90s, when I went to Las Vegas and NJ for a couple simming LAN meets. That was back in the days of Prodigy and CIS, pre-Internet. We flew Falcon 3, Air Warrior, and a little World Circuit: GP. I don't think I've seen a single one of those people I met there online for 10 years now.

  9. The Simpsons was great in its first decade, but when the X Files went off the air I didn't keep watching Sunday nights. Family Guy I've loved since day 1, but it's silly to say it rips off the Simpsons. It has its own style which is unique enough to make South Park rip on it.


    Anyway, I own all the FG eps on DVD (and South Park too!) and none of Simpsons, so...


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