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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Landing on the carrier must of been hell on the airframes!?!


    Not like you'd think. The U-2 stalls itself to a landing on a motionless runway under normal conditions. With the carrier's forward motion it's relative speed to the deck would be quite low and the stress likely not too bad. The corrosive sea air is a different matter! The maintenance guys would've had to go thru hell, especially without the spares stores a normal carrier plane would have.

  2. The Boeing comment that they would rather throw in the towel was definitely a "back in your face" move to Airbus/NorthGrum after they pulled the same stunt originally. The sad fact is Boeing is the ONLY all-US contractor lead who can bid on this(although as some analyst pointed out the actual employee US/foreign numbers aren't as widespread as you might believe, something on the order of less than 1000 workers between the 2 bids because Boeing does so much overseas subcontracting anyway) so we have to have a foreign competitor.


    Here's what everyone in industry, Congress, and Joe On the Street wants: Boeing to win in a fair and open competition with the best product, best price, and great benefit to the US economy.

    That didn't happen because the original RFP was written for the 767 and when Airbus balked because they had nothing in that class and the RFP was rewritten, it now favored NorthGrum's bid. Ideally enough time should've been given originally for Boeing to be able to redo its proposal using the 777 or 787, but that belies the very reason they were going with the 767 originally...time! The politics however have now made that point moot so Boeing might as well draw up proposals for both of those options now and forget about the 767.

  3. I think we could call it a Russian A-10 :-) or does the russians have a even better answer to the A-10.


    Sorry for hijacking the thread


    No, the Russians never built a true A-10 analogue. The A-10 was built as a "tank buster" to destroy large numbers of WP tanks coming into W Europe. The USSR didn't see large hordes of NATO tanks as a threat, so the Su-25 wasn't built to do that. It was instead designed as a CAS weapon, a latter-day Il-2 with bombs and rockets and a very limited precision attack capability. The 25T and TM are attempts to increase that precision to modern levels via the addition of the CRT, ARM integration, and so on. The Vikhr is a deadly missile, but the stock 25 can't use it.


    The Su-25 has a "small" 30mm cannon that has a 150 rounds or so. It can take out lightly armored vehicles and soft targets, but is really not meant for tank busting. The A-10's "large" 30mm GAU-8 was designed specifically for that purpose, as was the AGM-65 Maverick, a weapon type the Russians never really made themselves. The Vikhr is more like the Hellfire than a Maverick.

  4. Wow, I can't believe I'm the "oldest school" modder here! Of course, I don't do it anymore, and I actually haven't done any in this century. :grin:


    However, back in my HS and college days I messed around with modding stuff back when it was easier to read how to do it and do it yourself than to find a place to DL someone's mods.

    The one I spent the most time on was good old SWOTL in 1991-92. A simple hex editor let you change anything you wanted in that program, although you couldn't change visuals other than colors, like turning a Me-262 white or something. People figured out how to change the terrain color so we turned Western Europe into Africa or the Eastern Front (brown or white instead of green). We made the 262 with the 57mm cannon in the nose via a few simple adjustments. You could alter plane FMs and DMs quite easily as well.


    Once I left college and got a job and moved out of my parents' house, though, and Win95 came along, I pretty much gave it up.

  5. The problem with "super weapons" is the "super" part usually means "amount of time, money, and resources devoted to it" far more than "effects." Hitler wasted a lot on the V programs and others for little real effect, just psychological mostly. People died, but the war was unaffected, so they were ineffective as "super weapons." The only true super weapon to have an effect in WWII was the nuclear bomb.

  6. The whole matter/anti-matter disparity is indeed a huge puzzle for science. Why isn't our universe anti-matter instead of matter? If both were created at the Big Bang in roughly equal amounts, does that mean the entire universe is made up of the tiny percentage extra of matter that there wasn't enough anti-matter left to annihilate?

    Of course, like the number of licks it takes to get to the center of the Tootsie Pop, the world may never know.

  7. I have all 21 Bond flicks on DVD, bought them when they released that new set after CR's release. Of course, within a year the price had dropped quite a bit so I paid more than double what I COULD have paid for them.


    The other 20 films are coming out on Bluray in a couple of months, but I'm not sorry I didn't wait. Instead of 5-film sets for $60 or so (like the DVD release 2 years ago), it's over $60 for just THREE films, or roughly $21+ a flick. Sorry, that's like $450, and I'm not a big enough Bond fan to convince my wife of THAT one. :grin: I spent about $250 for the 21 films on DVD and I'm sticking with that (I didn't have a BD player when CR came out so I have it on DVD).


    I will of course get QoS on BD when it comes out next year. Isn't that a great acronym? Maybe the next bond flick will be called The China Project-Intel Problems to let geeks rejoice for that one, too.

  8. now that does sound plausible. But still more speculation than fact. Might turn out to be true.


    Saddam also used doubles which made it a little hard for us to target him. One report came out that after one of our strikes on one of his command bunkers they called all the doubles together to give them the good news and the bad news.


    "First the good news - The Great and Glorious Leader Saddam survived the strike on the command bunker"


    cheers and excitement through the room and among the doubles who all are still on the payroll.


    "The bad news is that he lost an arm........"




    The Prestige?? :grin:

  9. The amount of scientific ignorance out there sometimes amazes even me. That people would believe smashing two PARTICLES together could cause something CATASTROPHIC is laughable. I wish I were in the presence of some of these doomsayers just so I could point at them and laugh for a good 30 minutes without stopping. :haha: That's what they deserve. I mean, we have multi-megaton nukes on the planet, and they've been around for 50 years, and they're FAR more dangerous than anything these colliders can do.

    My favorite is the "they don't KNOW" refrain. Well duh, that's why they're doing the experiments. But if they don't know, how come you do?

  10. I wear this crown of thorns

    Upon my liar's chair



    Heh, that's not the original line. It was something a lot stinkier and squishier that crown was made of!


    I don't have a favorite song, and I never will. Other than maybe "of the day."


    Here's mine, inspired by the lyrics someone else posted here:


    "There's an old Australian stockman lying, dying

    He gets himself up on his one elbow, and he turns to his mates

    Who are gathered round him and he says:

    Watch me wallaby's feed, mate

    Watch me wallaby's feed

    They're a dangerous breed, mate

    So watch me wallaby's feed...all together now

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down


    Keep me cockatoo cool, Curl

    Keep me cockatoo cool

    Don't go acting the fool, Curl

    Just keep me cockatoo cool...all together now

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down


    Take me koala back, Jack

    Take me koala back

    He lives somewhere out on the track, Mac

    So take me koala back...all together now

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down


    Let me abos go loose, Lou

    Let me abos go loose

    They're of no further use, Lou

    So let me abos go loose...all together now

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down


    Mind me platypus duck, Bill

    Mind me platypus duck

    Don't let him go running amok, Bill,

    Just mind me platypus duck...all together now

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down


    Play your didgeridoo, Blue

    Play your didgeridoo

    Uh, like, keep playing while I shoot through, Blue

    Play your didgeridoo...all together now

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down


    Tan me hide when I'm dead, Fred...

    Tan me hide when I'm dead...


    So we tanned his hide when he died, Clyde

    And that's it hanging on the shed!

    All together now!

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down

    Tie me kangaroo, down, sport, tie me kangaroo down"

  11. Looks like integrated sound to me. Who that is can be anyone's guess, though. Intel is one possibility. You may be able to see a chip if you look on the motherboard itself with a recognizable name on it.

  12. Yes, I too have had little luck installing an old OS on top of a new one, but have put the new one on top of the old many times. The main reason is the boot sector on the main HD. Every bootable OS needs to access that and while new OS are aware of older ones and can work with that, XP has no idea what Vista is.

    If you install XP over Vista onto another HD/partition (Vista lets you resize parts on the fly now), since you do NOT want them on the same drive letter (Windows works best when it's in a folder named "Windows" and mixing two OS worth of "Program Files" is also asking for it), you will likely need to run a repair for Vista afterwards as it may not even boot Vista again until you do, booting straight to XP instead.

  13. My point wasn't really that there wouldn't be that many real drivers in it as there aren't that many real drivers in the first place.


    Take the total number of race drivers.

    Take it down to the number with PCs capable of gaming that have broadband.

    Take that down to those with a steering wheel or willing to get one.

    Take that down to those willing to spend their time doing that when they drive the real ones!

    Take that down to those willing to spend that much money on iRacing when they could be just using rFactor or one of the other one-time-pay-only ones (ie those who aren't cheap :grin: ).


    Is that enough for them to base a business on? Obviously not, so they need people who are NOT race drivers as well. This model isn't appealing enough for them, hence I think the model is flawed.


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