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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. 2003 Toy 4Runner, just paid it off, but have less than 45k miles still.

    Also have a slightly newer Chevy Impala, but it's the wife's company car and we had a limited pick for that one.


    Don't have pics of either because, frankly, they're nothing to look at. :grin:

  2. On a map the distances may no appear that far but in the UK we do not have the vast highway network that exists in the USA, most Americans who visit the Uk for the first time are surprised at just how narrow our normal roads are and how busy they are and how fast we drive on them. I for one wouldn't consider driving from London to Glasgow and back in a single day depending on the traffic it could take the best part of a day one way.




    LOL, well, considering it can take you the better part of a day to drive from one end of Florida to another (Pensacola to Key West), my point still stands! Things are a little different in the "old" states in the Northeast, but the rest of them are pretty big and traffic precludes you from getting too far too quickly.

  3. I played ET and finished it. Most uninspiring game ever...

    Also played and finished Raiders of the Lost Ark on the 2600. The whole "parachute off a mesa under a tree branch likely to rip your chute and kill you to get into a hole where the Ark may or may not be located (assuming you used the Map Room correctly to find it)" really bogged that game down more than the REAL bogs with stunning tsetse flies (as in they stun you if they touch you).

  4. I like FF and use it 90% of the time at home. The only exception is for certain sites that just won't play nice and then I bring up IE. Could be because of the NoScript and AdBlock Plus I use on FF just messing with it too much.

    I know computerandvideogames.com (I think that's right) will crash my FF everytime I visit there via a link from some other site. IE gives no trouble. :dntknw:

  5. Yeah, in modern jets you barely use the rudder unless on T/O and landing. The only exceptions really are the low/slow CAS jets like the A-10 and Su-25 where you use rudder to correct when coming in for a pass. The F-16 flies so fast, though, that the rudder just doesn't have any effect. I remember when Falcon 3 came out years ago a current F-16 pilot mentioned that to someone who'd been complaining about something or other with rudders in it. He said something like "it doesn't do anything in the real plane over 300kts or so, so why would it here?"

  6. I just recently replayed MOH: PA. Compared to the other MOH games, it just wasn't as good. I did enjoy Airborne quite a bit, though, although it was short for my tastes. Of course, it took me just as long to play MOHPA, about 8 hours!


    As for WWI games, how can you be burned out on that? How many are there anyway??

  7. Yes, at 1200 PT yesterday GTR Evo was "unlocked" on Steam. You actually get a new icon for it, but it includes everything Race 07 had.

    While there are only 3 new tracks I could find (Nord, Nurb, Nurb GP), there are TONS of new cars. There's also a new R-Cade Extreme race mode, which seems to be like a cross between what Race is and something like GRiD or GT5 or something.

  8. Glad you liked it Tank.


    If you can, try going up North. If you think Londoners are friendly you'll love us at the sharp end :wink:


    The only place in the States I've ever been is Florida, the usual Disney trip etc but I'd love to see other parts of the US.


    Always wanted to go to places like Montana and Wyoming. One day.


    Traveling around the US is literally like visiting other countries. I've taken numerous trips around the Caribbean, and although those are all separate countries, there are many similarities even when the languages are different.

    There are a few states I've not visited yet, although some I've not been to in over 20 years, but I always find that same mix of "like home" and "different than home" in every one.

  9. Red Flag is conventional A/A, A/G, and more recently EW exercises.


    Green Flag (used to be Air Warrior) is pre-deployment live weapons delivery exercises. Main focus on CAS and precision guided weapons delivery to get aircrew refreshed before going to OIF or OEF. EW used to be a part of Air Warrior/Green Flag, but was moved to Red Flag.


    I took part in Green Flag West (Nellis) in March 07, and the jet I crew was the leader in delivered munitions. :)


    Oh no. No, no, no. They're not allowed to change it. Who said they could do that?? That was not approved.


    Floggings all around.

  10. Anyone ever noticed the blind, rabid Il-2 faithful are always the ones that only fly online and never against the AI?

    When you're flying against other people who have the same limits as you, I can see how it would seem better. Yet if you fly offline or coop against the AI you can find all new sorts of ways to curse Oleg's team...


    The main problem I had is with Oleg's "we have it right" attitude. Then every patch introduces to changes to at least a few planes if not more!! Well, does that mean it's NOT right now? Or was it not right before? It can't have been right then AND right now if it's changed, can it? Oh, and the online MP-whiners got far too much attention from them. The ruination of the trim system being a major case in point. I can barely work with it now because of how slow it works, but oh, "people are cheating by using trim to turn tighter! WAH!!" Well, that doesn't work in a real airplane, so if it worked here...trim was done wrong! Do they fix it? No, let's have "trim delay"! :rolleyes:

  11. Thanks, guys.


    Oh, and C5, that was the Civil War...not the Crimean. And Dave, first came the dinosaurs, then they died, turned to oil, and along came OPEC.....


    You forgot "and then came the Arabs who bought Mercedes Benzes, and then Prince Charles started wearing all of Princess Diana's clothes..."


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