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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Hey floh it`s hard so see the intention of someone here.. cause you can read only text. I think he ment the planes behaviour under the hard FM conditions that there is maybe a misstake in the ini.... I can happen to the best of us ;-)


    It's not a mistake, it's an omission. There's a difference. The FM for normal mode works, the one for hard mode does not because the creator isn't up to working it out, that's all.

  2. My guess would also be the video chip/components were somehow fried. Being in Windows you're in 2D mode and it's fine, but anything requiring 3D mode or advanced acceleration capabilities causes it to fritz out. My feeling is that if it's not under warranty (which won't help you much being out of country anyway), you are shafted!

  3. The first one hasn't even done a full-up test yet and it's been in development for years. There are none but the one prototype being built, either.


    As for Czech/Poland, yes, an ICBM launched from Iran at the US would indeed pass over E Europe. No, it will do nothing if one is launched from anywhere but the Middle East, including Russia, China, NK, Cuba, Andorra, or Burkina Faso.

    The funny thing is Russian scientists KNOW that ABMs based there couldn't do a thing against Russian ICBMs. They also have plenty of missiles bases in the Far East that are in a position to be countered by our Alaska-based ABMs, yet they never said a word about that. This is totally a political show and it's all about Russia's perception of a shrinking sphere of influence as the West's increases. They briefly flirted with the idea of "joining" the West in the early-mid 90s, but they seem less interested in that now and more interested in recreating a bipolar world.

  4. I can't remember which plane first carried a shark's mouth on it...was it the Flying Tigers' P-40s? Or was there one that preceded it?


    Yes, I generally disregard ID4 because the Hornets didn't fight REAL jets, just aliens. Speaking of FOTI, that means the A-6 has had more love than the F-4 from Hollywood! That's just not right.

  5. Generally speaking, lip syncs are done for a specific narrow range of reasons. These range from singer also doing a dance routine (which would make their singing breathless and not very enjoyable) to singer not feeling well (so croaking avoided) to technical difficulties with mic.


    The best example of this is the old Gene Kelly film "Singing in the Rain" about the days of Hollywood when talking films first came onto the scene. The beautiful silent film star had a miserable voice so a "less pretty" girl with a great voice was forced to sing behind a curtain for her and dub her films.

  6. As someone who seen tons of films and read tons of books on aviation, I have never heard or seen any of these F-4 projects other than their ridiculous appearance in Iron Eagle 2 and bit parts in other films covering the Vietnam era.


    Therefore, regardless of whether or not any were made, the point still stands--the F-14 got to shine via big name, big budget productions while the F-4 (and even the Hornet, for that matter, as I can only remember it being shot down on film) got no love from Hollywood.

    This has nothing to do with how good the planes were in relative terms, but it has EVERYTHING to do with how many people will be fans of them.

  7.  I'd love to hear you say that to the top volleyball and bobsled athletes, that train everyday for hours to perfect their technique and become the best in the world. Even table tennis (ping pong) at that top world class level, pushes the human limits, both mental and physical.



    There are people that spend 80+ hrs a week playing World of Warcraft and perfecting their techniques to become the best, does that make them special atheletes too?

    So you're the best there is at ping pong...you should be allowed to make a living doing that? You deserve acclaim?


    The point is there are lines that should not be crossed, but the Olympics have crossed them. Where's the Olympic poker tournament or film festival?

    Just because something takes hard work and talent doesn't mean it's worthy of being in the Olympics.

  8. People won't back down if they believe they're right unless the result is utter annihilation.

    First, you have what both sides think the other side is doing, likely they don't know because of the confusion.

    Then you have what both sides know they want to accomplish.

    Last you have what each side is saying about their own actions and that of the other side.

    I'll guarantee none of this matches up.

  9. Let's face it, the F-4 never was glorified in a film like the F-14 was...twice. Granted The Final Countdown wasn't as much into it as Top Gun was, but it was there first. The F-4 hit its stride when Hollywood broke up the love affair with the military that had existed since WWII. It was TFC that started to reverse that trend.

    The F-15 likewise has never had the film treatment, but it has its mythical kill ratios in the Middle East to brag about.

  10. Some parallels can't be ignored.

    In 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. A month or so later the US moved into Saudi Arabia, and less than 6 months later drove them out of Kuwait, but didn't go into Iraq.

    In 1991, the Kurds in N Iraq rose up against Saddam after years of being killed in droves by his people.

    In 2003, the US arrived to help them--AFTER there was talk of nukes and other WMDs.

    Russian response time was obviously faster than that.

    So, oil-rich Kuwaitis--6 months. Poor Kurds--12 years. Sure there was a no-fly zone, but that was a flawed idea from day one.


    In Sudan, NO ONE has done a thing.


    It's obvious that intervention for "humanitarian reasons" is a fallacy as it is never used consistently. Instead, it can at best be the trigger for an intervention and at worst an excuse for an invasion. Only when there are other concerns IN ADDITION will countries commit the money, resources, and human cost to an operation of this type. To then trumpet "humanitarian reasons" rings so false it's a wonder anyone still bothers.


    No one has any interest in anything in Sudan but the people dying there--not sufficient apparently.

  11. Later yesterday, COD7-18 were confirmed.


    "We're not going to stop milking this thing until the public wises up" says Activision’s CEO Bobby Kotick. "All even-numbered ones will be WWII by Treyarch. COD12 will cover the fighting in Sevastopol. The entire game will be there. COD 16 is going to be a Japanese bunker in Okinawa. The odd-numbered games will be by IW and cover whatever else we think of. COD9 for example is going to be against the Shining Path in South America, while COD13 is just going to crash and be a buggy mess and we'll blame it on the number 13."


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