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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I would think an An-124 style door in the rear would make the most sense.


    My main concern is that plane looks like it would tip over in a strong wind! That landing gear is very narrow track for a wingspan that large. I mean, the Bf109 had issues with tipping over and its gear was proportionately a much wider stance.


    Maybe some outrigger gear ala B-47/52 underneath the point where the wings switch from anhedral to dihedral?

    At the very least the fuselage itself would be bulged out at the bottom where the gear goes, like on the Il-76/C-17/C-5/An-124/etc giving it a more triangular cross section in that area. Oh, and I would add even more wheels. That sucker must be HEAVY. :grin:

  2. Many fighters have bare metal on the top and bottom of the fuselage where the afterburners are. That's because temps get so high there that paint would blister and peel off. The F-15 is one, I think the Flanker is another. Remember the engines are in the middle of the plane, not sitting right in the tail, so the exhaust has a long tube to pass thru before it reaches the nozzles and that air is HOT.

  3. You can manually edit the conf.ini file to give you any resolution you want within reason. However, the game itself is always locked at 4:3 from what I can tell. So while 1280x960 isn't your monitor's native res, it will fill the screen, but when you switch it to 1280x1024 you'll get small black bars at the top and bottom of the screen like the world's smallest letterbox ratio.

    That's why after a few hours I switched it back to 1280x960.

  4. I get VERY irritated when I can't hear the radio in my car because someone else wants their car noise to be SO DAMNED LOUD.

    If I hear your engine drowning out my music (with all my windows up, I never have them down here), your car deserves to be destroyed.

  5. DCS will be a series of interlocking yet standalone modules. You should be able to have as many or as few as you want and play online with those who have it as well, even if you have different modules.

    So someone with the A-10 and AH-64 modules could fly MP with someone with only the KA-50 module without issues.


    Remember, they're a Russian company whose main customer base is Russia. That's why they chose a Russian helo first. I must admit I was expecting the Mi-28, though, seeing as that's the one that's actually being bought in numbers. The Hokum got a very limited run.

  6. I got the 20th anniversary DVD release a couple of years ago, but I'm not rebuying anything on BD right now. There are very few films I'll do that for. I am buying a good half of my new ones on BD, though.

  7. Well, it was also the whole "beat the Soviets" thing. When we got to the Moon first, it seemed the nation as a whole just sort of lost interest. Possibly because having been beaten there, the USSR decided to abandon the program. Without anyone else trying to go as competition, it seems the public saw no purpose in continuing.

    Basically, the "race" idea as sold to the people was wrong as once you made it no one cared anymore.

  8. I've poked around and I don't know anyone who's had that problem at all, sorry. I've played SFP1 since its release years ago and it's never done that to me. :dntknw:


    You might go to Thirdwire's tech forums where TK hangs out and see if he can help figure out what might cause that.

  9. While that's true, the reality is they could make an excellent guess if they wanted to. Make an F-15C sim, change the FM to be as good as we know the F-22A to be (its real performance is classified, but just plug in the abilities that we KNOW and then guesstimate the rest is improved by say 20%), put in "god mode" radar/sensors and you're done!

    Is that "realistic", no, but for all intents and purposes it's as close as you can get in the unclassified world. To just NOT make one with the excuse "we don't have accurate info" is crap.


    BTW--I will point out we've had sims (albeit not hardcore) with the Su-33, F-22 and F-35 in it in the 90s but they've not bothered to make one in the 00s other than LOMAC which just pretty much carried over the 33 from F2. We've not had ANY sims with them, hardcore or otherwise, in the 00s. The best has been console/arcade stuff like Ace Combat or Over G Fighters which aren't sims. At this point I'd take a lite sim like TW's stuff in a heartbeat.

  10. Nothing happening here today...no rocket launches, shuttle launches, or shuttle landings! Also our runway has been closed since Thanksgiving for refurb, so there hasn't been any neat visitors. We usually get the whole gamut here. They reopened it last week for one flight...and promptly closed it again as the first plane to take off tore up the runway!!! :fool:


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