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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The Daily Show these past few days has been covering the McCain campaign as "McCain Quest: The Search for Attention" and playing Eric Carmen's "All By Myself" at the start.

    The funniest thing was a clip from CNN where Blitzer was asking this panel if the media was paying too much attention to Obama...only to interrupt one of the guys speaking to report "breaking news" that Obama had just disembarked a plane in Israel. :biggrin:

  2. It was just a matter of protocol anyway. One guy awake when it should've been 2. My feeling is had those been active codes they'd not have had a 3rd guy fall asleep. When you know you're guarding junk your vigilance will naturally ebb compared to when you know it's something important.

  3. I'm not talking about the Talon's design per se, although a canopy that large is very anti-stealthy and also is not conducive to going Mach 3 (which they were apparently doing at low altitude, in a dive, and still took a long time to go like 5 miles??), nor has anyone built a VG FSW design yet, plus your turn radius at Mach 3 is measured by national borders, not feet!

    While the Talon didn't LOOK that far off, its capabilities were totally wrong. Plus those helmets were ridiculous. Only Hollywood makes full-face clear-front helmets.

  4. Wow Shin I also loved Wing over!! I still remember the mission where you need to bring the dinner to your boss, was an amazing game


    Oh my first one was "Aces of the Pacific" from Sierra/Dynamix STILL THE BEST AND MOST COMPLETE PACIFIC WAR SIM


    Bzzt! Sorry, thanks for playing! :grin:


    The best PTO sim was 1942:Pac Air War by MPS. It had its shortcomings, but I still never got that feeling in any other PTO sim before or since. CFS2 and Il-2's Pac Fighters were pale shadows. You had to follow your flight plan carefully or you might not find your carrier when you headed home and you had no way of locating it! I miss that one. All it needs is an updated graphics engine with improved FM and AI and it would be the best flight sim out there hands down!

  5. Any that are not political in nature. Couple of these I've seen around here just make my a** weary.


    Agreed. I get tired of it real easily lately. If I want politics, I'm not reading a thread about adding landing lights to my plane in WOI! If I DO read such a thread, I hate seeing political opinions in my face. It just seems like all anyone is talking about lately and yet nothing can be done about it for another 3 months anyway, so just give it a rest already! Vote for who you want to vote, I don't need to know!

  6. Which is why I won't waste time watching televised news coverage.


    The Daily Show is great at showing how easy it is to warp people's statements and viewpoints with their satirical biases. I think its greatest contribution has been to show people that while they do it to an absurd extreme, they're NOT the only ones doing it.

    Kind of like "see how the magic trick is done and next time you see it you'll see the carefully hidden sleight of hand more easily."


    Of course, the SNL coverage of the Obama/Clinton debates was priceless.

    "My first question is for Senator Obama. Senator, are you comfy? Would you like a pillow?"

  7. They like to use CG now for safety reasons. It lets them do things that are far too dangerous for "real". Of course, in TG they used large flying models for some of those things and they looked damn good, but it's hard to convince a studio to anything between "real" and "CG." So if you can't do it for real, they CG it.


    I actually thought the flying scenes in Flyboy were excellent, although the rest of the film was forgettable. Forgetting the whole "every German in a Dr.I" thing, it was stunning to watch and the BS factor was low. Stealth had a nice camo Flanker on screen but that was it. The Talon itself was an uber joke.

  8. The problem with the leftist way of looking at crime (applying to W Europe, CA, and other like places) is that they don't want to admit that force is the only thing people who are intent on breaking the rules will respect. Same thing with children. You can't explain things to a 3 yr old. You tell them what to do and they do it or they don't. If they don't, you have only the carrot and the stick. The carrot can lead to them expecting a carrot to do ANYTHING, while fear of the stick can be sufficient.

    No one's ever said "we can use the carrot, the stick, or the jumble of words." What are you going to do, talk to Dahmer and convince him he shouldn't be killing and eating people? Talk to the angry teenager with a broken home and no money and convince him that robbing convenience stores or mugging people is just "wrong" and they shouldn't do it?

    Ok, well what happens if you tell them and that doesn't work? Tell them again? With a louder voice? Send them to their room/prison? What happens if they refuse to go? Then you have to FORCE them, which may involve beating to get them to submit.


    The left think man has evolved so far above his animal past that words alone can solve anything, even to the babies that don't have fully developed langauge skills or the criminals that don't care what the left think! :rolleyes: The right think man basically hasn't evolved past being an animal at all and everyone needs to be able to defend themselves because it's the survival of the fittest, whether in business or politics or just home protection.

  9. No, that's a single clip. Look closely and you'll see there's no doubling there. I'm just astounded you could put it in backwards, I call that a lousy design!

    The one who was shot was obviously not shot by THAT weapon.

  10. His reviews are awesome, even the ones bashing games I liked. FEAR, Crysis, even Portal. Of course, he praised Portal and said how shocked he was he couldn't find one damn thing wrong with it. :grin:

  11. The A-7F was a real plane, and adding extra heaters wouldn't be that big a deal. I just don't know what kind of specs an AA radar in that nose would have. Maybe 40 mile range max? Without RH missiles it really doesn't matter too much anyway, it's not an interceptor.


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