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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I remember the early hours after the disaster as everyone was wondering WTF happened. It was quite some time (a day? two?) before the reverse angle shots showing the burnthrough of the O-ring on the booster were made public. In the meantime, people were instead speculating on the SMEs blowing since it happened when we heard "Go throttle up" from the orbiter. In fact it was just a coincidence, but that seemed unlikely at the time.

    I remember I had just recently watched the miniseries "Space" on TV which started with the multiple rocket failures the US space program suffered in the 50s and wondering what had happened all day until I got home (since there was no TV in the school I was in to see the news...which was odd as my elementary school years earlier DID have them in most classrooms...whatever).

    When I saw the actual footage I remember feeling hollow that it seemed so banal.

  2. Well, if it's an attack by planes, helos, or cruise missiles, Harriers can NOT compete with an AEGIS cruiser. I think they carry close to 100 missiles and can launch them at dozens of inbounds in mere seconds.

    Against surface vessels, subs, ground forces on land, an AEGIS is worthless!

  3. The main thing about the Flogger was how high-maintenance it was compared to the 21 and earlier jets. The 3rd world countries that were often given the planes found them difficult to keep in combat shape as a result. That's why the 21s are still around and getting upgraded more than the 23s. :wink:


    Didn't really matter how good the plane was when it was sitting in a hangar!

  4. JMS is indeed doing the screenplay to World War Z, I just don't know what the production status is.


    Shaun of the Dead is the best I've seen. Beating up zombies with pool cues to "Don't Stop Me Now" is pure inspired genius.


    Valve is coming out with a zombie survival game called Left 4 Dead, I believe.

  5. A contractor at our base was recently penalized for doing work that wasn't in the contract, to help out, free of charge.

    They LOST $300,000 in award fees. It's not just the contractors that need to own up, the gov'ts contracting rules are SERIOUSLY screwed up. A company decides to do something extra for free...and you TAKE money from them for it?? :blink: When you have those kinds of people in charge of what the contractors do, this is what happens.

  6. Or wouldn't it have been far easier to just build newer Harriers if the old ones were worn out? Certainly cheapest idea.

    Resurrecting an old 60s design that was long ago abandoned and trying to "update" it to 21st century specs sounds so...NASA.

  7. What a stupid conspiracy.



    The JFK/Area 51 guys would laugh them out of the building of their tinfoil convention.


    It was a real simple sequence of events that NO ONE has ever disputed.

    O-ring failure.

    Jet of flame bursts EXT.

    Explosion shatters shuttle and sets boosters free until range destruct.


    I've been where Challenger is buried. I've seen the Columbia debris on the floor of that hangar. The idea that anyone would INTENTIONALLY do it is so ridiculous that it doesn't warrant ANY consideration--there's no reason for it!

  8. That file is the one used for copy protection by PF. It sits in the root of the directory.

    You say "PF" but you don't mention others, so I take it you're not using a merged install with Il-2:FB and AEP?

    If you're using PF by itself, did you download the proper patch for it? I don't recall the last patch released for PF alone, but I think it was 4.04. You do NOT want to use 4.04m, that is the merged install patch.

    Since PF installed itself into a different folder than Il-2, it's possible if you used the wrong patch it would look in the wrong folder for that .dll file.

    Since you're reinstalled PF several times already, I'd go to Ubisoft's site and find the latest PF patch and try that.

  9. I've got a cheap Motorola that I use to make an occasional phone call. It gets text spam every once in awhile. I find I have no desire for anything more in a phone...because it does what a phone is supposed to do.

    I have a Zen for my MP3s and it's great, no proprietary format crap. MP3, WMA, WAV support.

  10. Not my fault if you can't accept flippancy. It wasn't an insult, but if you see it that way that's YOUR problem.

    I would've said the same thing about ANY other visiting AF just because I think secrecy is taken too far for the most part by everyone. However, if you can't handle people talking about your AF with anything but extreme reverance, like it's some holy leader, I think you're going to find the internet a tough place.

  11. NF3? Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time...a long time...


    I just want more planes added to it in that nice easy one-step installer so the guy I play coop MP with and I can have the same installs. To this day we have a stock WOE/WOV merged install with just NF1 and 2 installed that we fly from time to time. He has, well, ZERO patience for any modding over one-click installs or simple "unzip and drop folder in aircraft folder." This limits the planes we fly online, so I've been waiting for NF3 to give us a larger selection of planes to fly. :wink:


    What is included is up to them!

  12. Can't do it. Not if my life was in danger even. I don't think I could pick a top 50 even! I can't pick a top album, or group, or even genre!

    I like too much music!


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