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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I believe it simply replaces the cockpit for that plane. You simply fly that one and you'll see it, there's no "choice" selection. Fly an MLU F-16 and you won't see it, but hop in any CJ and you will.

  2. The F-111's internal gun was mounted on the belly, very far back from the nose. Roughly where you see that pod in the image. However, the ones that had it pretty much never used it and many models didn't have it. Standard M61A1, AFAIK.

  3. Wrong, stuff like that happened. Maybe not a school but a public place, unarmed individuals. The only thing that's changed is the weapons. Mass murder is still mass murder and the advent of high capacity semi auto firearms didn't start all of that. If the VT killer had run thru that school with a sword don't you think he still could have killed a bunch of people? What do you do when someone is shooting? You run (if you can) and you hide if you can't run. Same thing with a crazed killer with a sword.


    Using your train of thought I guess we should take a hard look at the first amendment, cuz movie theatres didn't exist back then and we all know what happens when you scream "fire" in a crowded movie theater. The rational person realizes that the rights guaranteed us by our forefathers aren't a moot point just cuz "times have changed". I suppose the 10 commandments should be changed as well. I mean, murder is different now than it was 6000 years ago................


    Or is it still wrong?


    Sorry, where you see similarity I see a BIG difference. Show me the whacko who can kill 30 people in a room with a sword in 10 seconds that's NOT a major action film star with a team of stunt men and effects guys behind him.

    The difference is the time factor. Yeah, using an old flintlock rifle one guy COULD kill a classroom...eventually. A pistol, a rifle, a shotgun, a crossbow, all have significantly slower rates of fire, which limits the number of targets you can attack with the element of surprise. "Mass murder is mass murder," yes, but if you think killing 30 people in 10 seconds is no different from taking 10 hours, well, perhaps you need a better clock.


    If it doesn't matter, then why exactly did the Gatling gun get invented? Why was the machine gun invented? By your logic, pistols and rifles are all that is needed, so why do our troops carry M16s and M4s and not M1s still? I mean, there's no difference!


    Also, you have TOTALLY misjudged my attitude with your 2nd paragraph. My train of thought had NOTHING to do with the first amendment or anything like that, in fact, your MAJOR mistake was very simple:


    You ASSUMED my statement means I am anti-2nd Amendment. Apparently I either think EXACTLY like you, or I must think EXACTLY opposite you, correct? I guess unlike, oh, EVERY other law ever written, there is only black and white here? Since I questioned this one, I must therefore question them all, right? I also can't question it and support it at the same time, can I? I must not believe in ANYTHING that a "rational person" (as if this underhanded attempt to call me irrational isn't noticed) believes in?




    However, in your blind defense of it you see an attack where there isn't one, because you're frightened that you can't logically discuss the evolution of firearms without realizing that there IS a point I'm making, a point you under no circumstances wish to concede. So, if you don't want to go there for fear that your belief in the 2nd Amendment might be questioned (because after all no slave-owning land-holding aristocrat from the 18th century could POSSIBLY have failed to take into account a development they could not foresee over 100 years later, they are all infallible, of course), just don't and stay the hell away.


    The "rational person" realizes that informed questioning is preferable to blind acceptance and attacking of the questioners. The "rational person" realizes that questioning does not undermine anything if it is truly correct and can only strengthen it by disproving doubts.



  4. No, the B-1B and B-2A were both replacements for the B-52. The problem is we didn't buy enough of either to make retiring them attractive. The B-1B was only supposed to be interim until the B-2A anyway, yet we sent a significant amount into storage so we could afford to upgrade the ones we kept in service. As for the B-2A, no doubt we seriously bought too few of those. Yet no one wanted to pay for anything in the 90s...

  5. One problem is at the time our country was founded, neither machine guns nor the concept of mass murder/suicides existed.


    The idea that someone would strap a bomb to themselves and blow up dozens of innocents and themselves to make a point, without caring about living afterwards? So remote as to not be worth considering...who would do that?


    People who now take several guns and go into a crowded area and open up with no intention of surviving or of killing themselves at the end is another "far fetched" idea.


    There is no defense against this at all. If everyone in that crowd is armed, the crazy will still have the element of surprise and end up dead at the end. Maybe a few less bystanders are shot, depending on reaction times, but that's it. Things like the VT shootings could not have happened in the 18th century.

    Yeah, modern tech is SOOO great.

  6. Those classes are based 100% on post count, nothing more. So you can have a "new member" that's been here since Day 1 if they only post 2x a year. :grin:


    Anyway, I played F-15SE on the C64 as well. Take my F-15E off from my blue-triangle carrier (a carrier? for an F-15?!?), fly from blue water to brown land, attack brown triangle enemy base, fight wireframe triangle MiG, fly back to blue-triangle carrier.

  7. There's a very good reason to not execute child rapists--which would you rather have, your child raped, or your child raped and then killed?

    If a rapist knows they'll be executed if they're caught, what's the incentive NOT to kill the child to cover your tracks? After all, a living witness can identify you.

    This is the same reason the death penalty for kidnapping was revoked, because it actually compelled the offender to kill since the penalty was the same either way yet the likelihood of being caught decreases with the death of the victim.


    Anyway, abortion laws are too broad. I've been reading lately about cases of parents wanting to euthanize fetuses that were so horribly...messed up...crushed, deformed, battered...that it was the only humane thing to do, but the doctors would refuse because "it's murder." Doesn't matter that the fetus will NOT live even if it lasted full term, doesn't matter that the eventual "natural" death would be VERY painful while an injection would be just a brief moment, no they want the woman to carry it, suffering and in pain with nothing but its demise in the near future because THEIR morality (or that of others as mandated by law) won't allow it. Supposedly the Constitution bans cruel and unusual punishment, but if doing NOTHING is more cruel, that's fine?


    You know why you won't be helped by anyone if you're run over in the street? Because if you do nothing and walk away, nothing happens to you! But if you go and try to render aid, you can be SUED by the victim for anything because their lawyer will ask "are you a doctor? Then why did you think you should move them?" So lawyers have mandated that people can NOT follow their tendency to render aid because it will stupidly jeopardize them in return!

    This is the judicial system we want to protect?


    Jefferson said a little revolution now and then was good when things became too miserable to bear, and between these retarded internal issues and the ridiculous external ones our gov't has gotten us into in the past 20 years, I think it's about time to start over again. As we say in science, "return to first principles" (ie the Constitution) and rework it from there.

  8. I'll say, I was making $7/hr at my first computer job in 1996 at age 22! At 19 I was working at an AMC theater for less...but free drinks, popcorn, and movies helped offset that. :grin:


    Anyway, I remember that Spiderman show, and it wasn't great, but it was ok for a kid. The Hulk with Bill Bixby was definitely the best, and then came Wonder Woman which had, well, 2 reasons why it was better than Spiderman. :biggrin:

  9. Years ago I wrote some WWII pilot lyrics for that song, have them saved somewhere. The only part I remember off the top of my head is the part everyone agreed was their favorite, from the middle (where the "Thunderbolts and Lightnings, very very frightening me!" was a natural), is "Adolf Galland has a Focke Wulf set aside for me...for me...for meeee". :grin:

  10. Our resident Spad Girl now has shortened to "NFG", but she's not around as much as she used to be. I thought she said something about her personal life (ie away from the PC) getting more busy, so that's to be expected.


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