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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I know I see a "wake" if I fly low enough over the water. I think to see dust blow on the ground I have to fly lower than treetop level, so if it's not flat terrain it's risking a ground flop!

    Not sure what that effects line does, but there must be a breakdown of the conf.ini settings somewhere. I think =0 turns off shadows for effects, and =1 has them on, but don't know if 2 or higher has any meaning.

  2. I'm enjoying Race 07 right now for its AI, the best I've seen in a racing sim. It's by no means perfect or ideal, but it's got fewer problems than all the rest, so therefore it's the best. :grin:


    I have Race Driver 06 for my PSP, basically "TOCA mobile" and the AI there wasn't nearly as good.

  3. If we all looked the same, it would be about religion.

    If we all believed the same, it would be about language and accent.

    If we all talked the same, it would be about how we dress.

    If we all dressed the same, it would be about where we were from, since there's no possible way we can all be from the same location.


    Humans deep down do not WANT everyone to be "us", they WANT "us" and "them" so they can make "them" lesser in some way.


    That is the reason communism will never work, BTW, because humanity has not evolved past that.

  4. Ramble on...I like that. Might be a good name for my scoot... :smile:


    Actually Rambler, I think Dave has a bike or two. There are a few others too surely...



    Oh Jedi, I did look at an A-4K but it didnt have enough chrome... :dirol:


    Next on The History Channel, "Pimp My Warbird."

  5. "Fussy eater." We used to say that in my house. "He's a fussy eater."

    "Fussy eater" was a euphemism for "big pain in the ass."

    "I don't like that." They tried to corner me with logic! "How do you know you don't like if you've never tried it?"

    "It came to me in a dream!"

  6. I don't get "opinion" shows. Who CARES? I don't care what the anchors or whatever you call them FEEL about a situation, I just want to know what HAPPENED. I can form my own opinions, I don't need to hear someone else trying to give them to me. The "shouting down" the other guys and the "turn off the mike" crap is so childish. These are adults? They don't want to hear opposing viewpoints or have a discussion, they want someone on their show who has an opposing viewpoint so they can keep them from talking and belittle them to make THEM look big.


    When there's a CENTER channel, I'll watch that.


    The idea that so many of them seem to be on the left that we needed one way out on the right to balance it, like news channels are on a damn seesaw, is retarded.


    BTW--Fox News lost all credibility with that "terrorist fist jab" comment. I mean really, WTF was that? That's not "telling it like it is", that's "telling it the way you want it to be."



  7. Have all 3 on DVD, saw the last 2 in the theater. Didn't see the first one because I thought it would be stupid. Then I saw it at home and was blown away!

    I was hoping for a 4, but it's been 6 years now...

  8. My mother-in-law is pretty bad about it. She's an old NYC Jew and is the typical hypocrite with some black friends who are "different". :rolleyes: However, she talks about Democrats almost the same way, so I get the feeling that to her black = Democrat.


    I just don't care. I DO have an "irritation" if you will against Hispanics, but that mostly centers on their unwillingness to speak English after taking up permanent residence in the US (legally or illegally). A language is NOT "your culture." You want to speak it at home, fine. You want to speak it at work? No. A majority of them DO understand English but simply refuse to speak it and also pretend they don't understand it. THAT makes me mad.

    It almost seems to be a xenophobia with them. My wife went to lunch with one years ago who confessed to feeling "uncomfortable" and thinking "everyone is looking at me." Why? No one around them was speaking Spanish! THE HORROR! So, you're speaking English in an English-speaking country but you're uncomfortable because no one is speaking Spanish and want to run to the areas where no English is spoken? :rolleyes:


    Florida is NOT North Cuba, no matter what they may want.

  9. I don't know much about the VA-class boats. I know they replaced the Seawolf class because those were too expensive, so I'm guessing these aren't quite as good, but are still better than the 688/LA class?


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