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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I do understand where Boeing is coming from. If you're told you'll be judged by a certain set of conditions but are actually judged by a DIFFERENT set of conditions (which is all the GAO really seems to have said--that there was inconsistency), that's not really on the up-and-up. As far as which tanker is actually the better way to go, I won't say, I leave that as an exercise for the student. :grin:

  2. I recall that's one of the main things the USN liked about the Super Bug over the old Hornet--the bring back capacity. The old Hornet is very limited in how much it can still be carrying when it traps. Something like 4 missiles and 2 500lb bombs max, I forget the exact numbers. So if it takes off with more than that, it either has to use them or lose them before the trap, which gets expensive during lulls in combat.

    The Super Bug in contrast can trap with a larger percentage of its takeoff payload, meaning more cost-effective use of weaponry.

  3. No, that's the other end. When a MRV separates in orbit and re-enters for impact, each separate warhead takes a slightly different path. This is a test of the entire system using inert warheads (no radioactive materials or explosive to go "boom") showing the impact site in the ocean.

    It's a time lapse photo so it looks like lasers or launches but it's really all of the re-entry trails superimposed together.

  4. You need a couple of things. First, you have to set terrain to "perfect", that's a must.

    Second, you need an nvidia chip-powered video card. Anything else won't do it because Oleg's team only got the support they needed from nvidia. Therefore, the coding only takes advantage of their cards.

    Third, you need to go into the conf.ini file and find the line water=x. I think water=4 is the best water you can get.

  5. I don't know about either coming out this year, although I'd believe ArmA 2 before OFP2 only because ArmA 2 is building upon ArmA while OFP2 is all-new.


    Anyway, an AMD 64 3800 is definitely falling behind the times, although ArmA is also needing of a good GPU.


    The difference is in the past even those with fast machines would have trouble due to coding inefficeincies. Those have been largely eliminated now, so if you have a machine with power you can crank up the detail and get good performance. If you don't, you'll still have to drop details.

  6. This is that asymptotic curve that people always talk about with simulation. You can get 50% there dirt cheap. You can get 75% there for reasonable cost. You can get 90% there for high cost, and to get the last 10% will cost you an astronomical amount.


    If this is the 90%, I'll stick with my rfactor at 75%. :wink:

  7. That was in 2001: A Space Odyssey, right?


    Yup, a famous scene. Great flick, even if it doesn't conform to modern ideas of what an SF film should be (namely SF now = SF action, very few SF only like Day the Earth Stood Still or 2001 made now).


    I think Gattaca was the last great "pure SF" film I remember. AI tried to go there, but I just didn't get the same feeling from it. Oh, Bicentennial Man, too.

  8. What you need is called "nose wheel steering" and by default it is turned off. There's a light right to the left of the HUD, I think, that says "NWS". If it's dark, only your rudder moves with the pedals which mean taxiing under 100kts or so it's useless.

    I don't remember what the default key for it is since I have it mapped to my HOTAS, but look in the control assignment screen and you should see it there.

    The thing to remember is you want NWS off during take off itself because at 150kts tapping the rudders could cause some unwanted consequences. :biggrin: It's meant for taxi speeds only.


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