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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Oh yeah, I do remember having a problem with that tank mission. I was playing it in the middle of the save game bug of 1.1, though, where at a certain point saves would start to take forever and the files would grow gigantic in size. However, I reloaded from a save point right around the time you get the tank and it worked fine for me the 2nd time.


    As for my R6V2 comment, I was referring to the fact that the sequel is a glorified expansion pack with few changes to the engine or anything like that.

  2. Being at a base that has had several consecutive excellent and outstanding ORI's in a row, I personally can't fathom failing one. Especially when they had such a highly publicized failure and then had MANY months to rectify the issues.

  3. So, this is sort of like R6 Vegas 2, then?


    I enjoyed Crysis, although I hardly think it was anything revolutionary anywhere but with the graphics. The suit was just another version of Force powers from the Jedi Knight games. :grin:


    As for 1.3, I never played it MP anyway, so whatever. The SP part of the game works fine and that's all I care about. This new studio doing it, though, gives me pause. A first effort is never as polished as later ones (although devs can of course regress as well) so I'm reserving judgment at this time.

  4. Israel doesn't have the money to develop their own 5th gen fighter. No one does, really.

    I can understand the attitude of wanting Israel to buy US stuff, though. I mean, when you're handing out billions in aid, you sort of expect them to use that money right back, you know? Now if Israel simply paid outright for everything they had, I would look at it differently. Then it would be a case of do whatever is best for you, outright.

    That's why I don't believe the UK or Oz or India should be pressured into buying US stuff. If they want it, fine, but they can go elsewhere too. After all, it's not like we're giving them anything for us to expect that in return. Want to buy Euro stuff? Russian? Whatever, your prerogative!

  5. The problem with so called "dual use" tech is almost EVERYTHING could be called "dual use." I mean, don't tell how the Chinese how to make crops produce more, they'll use that food to feed their ARMY. :rolleyes: What about nuts and bolts and hammers?

    Launching satellites is a legit peaceful thing to do, but of course it's also related to ICBMs. Oh no. An engine is an engine, but they can stick it in a military vehicle!


    The main thing is if you DON'T sell them something, someone else will. The F-22 is only in this position right now because it's unique. No one else is building them, no one else has them. When another country starts making 5th gen fighters, it won't be so unique anymore.

  6. No one is coming here for nation bashing, so no one should go there. A reminder.


    Israel buys mostly US because the US gives it money to buy weapons with...as long as they are US weapons. A very odd setup. That severely limits their ability to buy foreign equipment because there's little money for it. Besides, they prefer to develop their own stuff and stick it into our airframes. F-16s, F-15s, F-4s, Mirages, all of them have replacement radars, RWRs, and other avionics. They prefer keeping that stuff in-house so just in case there's a falling out with the US (they have a cultural mistrust of having to rely on anyone but themselves after decades of having allies turn their backs on them) they'll be able to upkeep their stuff for a significant amount of time. While the F-35 is being designed with the idea that different countries will be changing things around for their own industrial base's benefit, the F-22 was not. The cost to put different avionics in such a tightly integrated system would cancel out the cost benefits of added sales.


    The funny thing of course is all the aid Israel has given to Iran on the QT over the decades to keep their planes flying amongst other things. That's why Iranian F-14s are still flying and are still viable. Of course, Iran wasn't their main concern then. Now it's slowly becoming that.


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