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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Yes, Caprica Six told Baltar I think in early/middle season 1 that Cylons couldn't have children and that was a problem as they see God's commandment to reproduce very important.


    As for who it can be, it's a very short list:

    Roslyn (already discussed here)

    Bill Adama (if Lee is a half-Cylon hybrid then!)

    Romo Lampkin, should he return

    Smaller characters like Racetrack or Seelix--doubtful

    Doc Cottle

    Baltar (of course, he remains a prime suspect)

    Starbuck (as does she after the missing time bit)



    Dualla (I'm in favor of this one for various reasons)



    Eliminated from contention:

    Ellen Tigh

    Helo (he has a half-Cylon child ergo he's human)

    Certainly not Callie, for the same reason!



    Well, they COULD bring a dead character back like Ellen or Billy, but I'm not sure if that would be considered cheating!

  2. I don't know when it's supposed to be released, but apparently the successor to GTR and GTR2 is GTR Evolution. It will be priced as an expansion for those of us with Race 07 (and integrate into it) so as a full game for those who don't. The "full game" will also include all cars and tracks from Race 07. So, without knowing what the pricing will be, but using hypotheticals, say you paid $30 for Race 07. GTR E will then be $15-20 and you'll have one big sim. Or those without Race 07 will pay $30 or so and get the exact same thing. In essence, those who bought Race 07 will likely wind up paying more in total than those who waited, but we've been racing in Race 07 all this time to make up for it. :grin:

  3. There is basically no commonality between SoW:BoB and the Il-2 series. You will see some of the same planes, but all will be BoB-era only. There should be some planes that were not in Il-2 as well.

    The main thing is this is a totally new sim from the ground up. So, you might say this is the Doom 3 to Il-2's original Doom. Same concept but greatly advanced yet with less content out of the box. However, SoW is planned as a continuing series, and just as Il-2 had Forgotten Battles, Aces Expansion, Pacific Fighters, Pe-2, Sturmoviks over Manchuria, and 1946 added to it, so will BoB.

  4. Werent those jets in the Korea period? Or do you mean a certain part of the war?


    The MiG-15 and F-86 were in the final years of the war, but not the beginning. That was the era of the P-80 and such that were soon withdrawn.

  5. Ditto. There are many limitations of a computer monitor that you don't have in real life, so I use things like targetting boxes to compensate. I laugh at those who argue "that's not realistic" since staring at a tiny monitor in a motionless chair with a mouse/keyboard in front of you is inherently unrealistic.

    I refuse to make a game artificially difficult in favor of someone's nebulous idea of what realism is.

  6. Yeah, although I always thought "print" for screen output wasn't as good as "echo" since print just implies a printer!


    It's been over 20 years for BASIC for me as well. I remember I wrote 2 programs with it. One was a quiz program for a school project that scored you and gave you an evaluation at the end (same as all these wb quizzes you have nowadays) and the other was a dice-rolling program I used for Axis & Allies so we could roll like 48 dice at once and it would tell us how many 1s, 2s, 3s, etc we got without needing to actually ROLL 48 dice!

    Yeah, that's when I realized I hate programming... :grin:

  7. So who's been watching the final (sort of) season of BSG? This seems the darkest of the series and they've done some things I wasn't expecting, at least not in just the first few eps. I'm hooked, and I'm bummed that they won't show the last half until next year (effectively turning the full length S4 into half length seasons 4 and 5).


    Rampant speculation on who the final Cylon will be, of course.

  8. I've recently watched 3 of the best SF films from the 50's: War of the Worlds, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Forbidden Planet. All classics, all did amazing work for what they had at the time.

    One already remade, the next being done, the 3rd so far not a peep.


    Anyway, there are many SF novels I've liked over the years that I'd like to see as films, but I know they'd require some serious rewriting to be good. The Foundation Trilogy, Stranger in a Strange Land, Childhood's End, The Caves of Steel...

  9. Hard to say because it depends on how many you buy at a time. Cheaper in bulk and all that.

    However, a year or two ago the USAF placed an order with LockMart for a single F-22 as a replacement for a testing article that I guess will not enter service. That contract was just over $141 million. So, you can figure that's the "unit" price of an F-22, discounting all the money spent on R&D, testing, maintenance, etc that some people like to lump in with the cost of procurement and divide by total units built to indicate "cost."

  10. Oil prices go up also because the falling dollar leads investors to put their money in things that will likely NOT depreciate. Oil is one, gold is another.



    (who gets 1200 KM on a full tank, try beating THAT Detroit)


    They can't. None of their cars use km, so you might as well tell them you get 4 billion kilojoules/parsec for all they'll care!


    Of course, diesel prices have gone up more than gas, so a TDI car getting better mileage might not be any cheaper to drive per mile.

  11. The only issue I could see them having with this is as of yet the Typhoon has the least mature air-to-ground capability of all the fighters. Well, check that, I'm not so certain about the Rafale's AG capabilities right now. They might be a bit further along, but I don't think it's VERY far ahead.

    Gripen, Viper, and SuperBug have all been around quite awhile, in service, and had more attention on the AG side...I guess the SuperBug really doesn't have that much more time in service, but I know it's AG stuff has been done more rigorously as it's half the USN's fleet now. Rafale and Tyhpoon were both bought to be air to air first, with the air to ground coming later.


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