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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Nope, I just don't get it! :dntknw:


    Maybe I'm one of the few who realizes my life is NOT that interesting, and I can't imagine other people being interested enough in it to warrant all that stuff! Not to say these other people's lives are interesting, just that they do NOT realize they're not. :grin:

  2. The first-gen jets had very little to do with Korea period. Not until the MiG-15 and later F-86 did jets make an impact. It was the first jet war, but it was also the last prop war.

  3. 2. Use lag-pursizzle described as saggin' yoself in a pursuit curve that leads yo a/c ta a deep six o'clock position on tha bogey.


    I don't think I've heard fighter tactics described that way before...

  4. Well, the truth is fighter numbers are dwindling worldwide. A group of 40 F-22s would likely be able to dominate the skies of almost any country on Earth right now, the exceptions likely being only massive countries like India, China, and Russia. There geography alone requires more. While it would be great if more than 180 Raptors were built, the sad fact is the money isn't there.


    I think the regular Su-27 has better visibility than the twin-seat models, the twin Flankers just look the 2nd cockpit is kludged back there. The F-15 twin seaters don't sacrifice as much rear vision.

  5. It varies between $3.46-3.56/gal around here right now, no rhyme or reason as to why the fluctuations, sometimes little over a mile between stations.

    I should clarify that's only my car, though. The wife has a company car and gas/maintenance is free. :biggrin: We use that on the weekends unless we're getting something big that only my 4Runner can carry (which is why we got it).

  6. I have the entire series, the 4 special discs with live appearances, specials, and rarities, and all the movies except And Now For Something Completely Different. I also have a few CDs worth of their audio stuff which often was unique (never done on film/live) or done differently (weatherman lumberjack sketch, instead of the barber for instance).

  7. I mean as far as being reliable. Maybe they take physical damage well, but as far as RUNNING they seem to be less stable, crashing a lot, running hot and slow (no ventilation, just use the bottom as a giant heatsink), and overall a PITA to use.

    At least you can use them as wheel chocks.

  8. They did use something like that in one of the Bond films. Die Another Day maybe? The difference is they were "switchblades" and the jumper was on top, lying prone. It had wings, tail, and a jet. They got close enough they pulled the ripcord and then landed silently. Of course, that was done via FX, they don't really exist.

  9. think mine was Strike Commander ans far as with vids,but my very first was

    B-1 Nuclear Bomber


    B-1 Nuclear Bomber was coded entirely in BASIC. But unlike classic BASIC games such as Dan Bunten�s amazing Cartel$ & Cutthroat$ that push the envelope of the language, B-1 Nuclear Bomber is one of the worst of the bunch. As M. Evan Brooks observes in his synopsis, �its play mechanics are embarrassing in the contemporary market; in fact, its play mechanics were embarrassing when it was initially released. A virtual X-Y axis game of nuclear "bombs bursting in air".� Worth a look only if you are a nostalgic wargaming fan.





    to see how bad it was check it out it was all text only one pic in the opening .


    I played that! On my Atari 400! It had a cockpit with nothing really moving in it and no outside view, just white. The worst part was the kamikaze nuclear MiGs! They'd scramble, get closer and closer, and then NUCLEAR DETONATION! :dntknw:

  10. A few years ago we had a guy bring in a bag of Sour Skittles. Then we had good fun all day getting people to try one and watching as, without exception, they made that "ugh, sour!" face as they ate it. Of course, the funniest part was watching the guy who brought the bag eat most of it himself and make that face EVERY TIME he ate one.


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