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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Crysis quite literally seems to be the only game out there that can't be played at an acceptable level of performance on any hardware currently available. It's become the defacto benchmark for new CPUs and GPUs by virtue of that fact.

    However, at medium/high detail on my C2D 3GHz and my 8800GTS 512MB it ran quite well. I admit I found the beginning of the game vs the soldiers more entertaining than the SF stuff at the end, much as Far Cry was more fun fighting mercs than monsters, but it was still great fun.

    The final battle at the aircraft carrier will literally bring any system around to its knees!

  2. When I was young and thinking like a young man thinks with all of the maturity I could muster, the Auburn University (Alabama) campus was the MOST target-rich environment on the planet (I visited most of the other SEC schools too). It had then and has now the best crop of FINE southern ladies available. Did a four year recon mission and picked the one to suit my fancy. 35 years later she is still a southern beauty in my eyes. Did the education thing too, but all of that best educational institution stuff is a bunch of bunk anyway. You get what you strive for in college, regardless of the institution or it's rep. Three years out of school nobody cares what your GPA was or where it was from. Might as well attend a school with a good football team so you can act like an alumini and dress up like a fool every Saturday.


    At the end of the day, it's all about quality cheap beer and the results of that intense recon mission.


    Amen to that. Almost 15 years after my graduation no one cares where I went or what my degree was in. That only matters for your first, maybe 2nd jobs, out of school. After that it's where you worked and what you did that makes the difference.

  3. Malpractice insurance, driven by the malpractice lawyers, is what has made healthcase unaffordable in the US. Every person and place needs it, from nurses to clinics to doctors and hospitals, and because the lawsuits are always so big they pay mega $$ for the insurance.

    I remember a DECADE ago my father telling me his hospital paid $1000/bed/DAY for malpractice insurance ALONE. That's $365k/year per bed just for that facility.


    You know, 100 years ago if someone died or was screwed up in the hospital it wasn't a license to print money for that person or their next of kin or their slimy lawyer (who always takes half--if they're lucky).

  4. You must have been here very recently then as Mission Space isn't that old a ride, although it's no longer what it was. Thanks to the deaths it's now a pale shell of what it used to be.

    Patrick Warburton is good in Soarin, but it's still just sitting there and watching an Imax film. :grin:

  5. Oh yeah, the line for Soarin is totally out of proportion with how good the ride is, frankly. I liked it well enough, but not to stand in line for an hour plus!


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