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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Did you honestly NOT see how confrontationally you worded your post? You don't poke someone in the eye and then act surprised when they shove your hand away, and then call them aggressive.

  2. I guess they feel the F-22 will do what they want more than the F-35 will, despite them not knowing most of what the F-22 could do anyway?

    Besides, if it succeeds the F-35 will be more advanced than the F-22 by virtue of being a 15 years newer design.


    Not that it matters as Congress seems dead set against anyone else having F-22s, and by the way they complain about the price that seems to include the USAF as well.

    Maybe Congress would allow a situation like we used to have with nukes in the 50s? Where we had US-controlled nukes stationed on foreign bases for use by foreign air forces with US approval... In other words, the planes are paid for by the gov't that wants them and operate as part of that gov'ts air force, but are crewed and maintained by USAF forces to prevent "security breaches". Granted it sounds like a raw deal as you spend the money but only get to give orders, but if you TRULY believe "only the F-22 will do", this may be a way to appease the paranoids in Congress.

  3. I think it's natural that those who've put a lot of time and effort into making it would feel slighted when that work is ignored or put down. Just look how many modders quit this series over the rivet counting and generally ungrateful reception their free work received. In a sense, the KB is itself a mod, it's just not one you can DL and install. It is however something you use to make the game more enjoyable, ergo it's a mod. :grin:


    I can't argue that there have been some disproportionate responses at times, but perhaps there's a general lack of consideration of the KB's existence over all. We'd basically like the KB to be the first place people check for info rather than the last!


    We've been trying to figure out how to raise people's awareness of it, and some are more than a little frustrated. :grin:

  4. Game made by Russian developers. I think they get better info about Russian equipment than American, plus their own biases are going to mean a situation like you describe (F-15 losing 8 out of 10 times) will not be seen as unusual. :grin:

    That said, there are acknowledged problems with the BVR missile modeling that causes imbalances. Maybe we'll get a 1.13 to patch it someday, but no word yea or nay at this point.

  5. It would be pretty slow-acting and low-impact if it was. I can't picture them bothering. Besides, if you can accomplish that you could just as easily place a bomb or sabotage some equipment for a more spectacular result. Terrorists want to induce terror, and frankly the possibility you might develop cancer years later after prolonged exposure just doesn't do that.


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