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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Joe uses it over there and likes it. Check the front page of Hardocp.com right now and there's a picture of someone racing GTR2 using it across 3 monitors.

    The main thing is you need a powerful video card as it makes your card see a single giant 2500x1280 or something monitor.

  2. The F-117 was originally to stay in service longer, to be replaced along with the F-15E by a future long-range interdictor, one of which was mooted as the so-called "FB-22".

    When it was decided the F-22 would have a significant ground attack role, in essence being capable of doing the F-15E/F-117 mission itself, it was decided there was no benefit to keeping the 117 around when the money could be used elsewhere.

  3. More RAM allows more textures to be held on the card, which can result in the following possible benefits--using higher-res textures in the game, taking less time to load, increasing your FSAA and AF settings. Generally speaking things won't run any faster, unless you experience slowdowns using high-res textures when they get swapped in and out of card RAM. Then more RAM will alleviate that.

  4. I think the pedal choices are Saitek and CH, either will work fine. Cougar has problems with wearing over time. While it usually works great out of the box, after a year or two you may find it too loose. Unfortunately, "modding" it to make it into the stick it should be will likely run you 2-3x the cost of just the sticks themselves.

    I know many people prefer the CH or Saitek products for that reason.

  5. I don't know if the Brits deployed any Jaguars to Iraq or not, at least not in that time period. I think they're all retired now. Besides, if there's a good way to describe a Harrier, it's a "shrieking sound." Those things are ridiculously loud.


    As for that F-16, it sounds like it might have been the VISTA/AFTI F-16. Other than the T-birds it's the only F-16 in a R/W/B scheme I know of and I think you'd have recognized if it was a T-bird! :wink:

  6. Really? I think it's retarded. I've NEVER thought DST was a good idea. Sure, if you're a farmer it is. However, just how many people in the US are farmers now?

    Besides, I live in Florida. We have PLENTY of sunshine. We don't need more. I want to know who thought it would be a good idea to have kids waiting at the bus stops for school in pitch black darkness? 7:42AM sunrise?? Give me a break, that's stupid. The human body naturally adjusts to the changing length of the day during the year. DST totally screws that up.




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