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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. LOL, I was going to suggest Forbidden Planet as well, but I realized it may not work.

    Walter Pidgeon was just AWESOME and although you could improve some of the effects and such, it just wouldn't be the same. That said, those posters were crap. I mean, there's another version of the poster with the likenesses of Walter Pidgeon, Leslie Nielsen, and Anne Francis on it, but they still show Robby carring a woman who was NOT in the film! He carried Anne Francis and they clearly were NOT the same person.

    Stupid conventions of that time!


    I also would say The Day the Earth Stood Still...but it's already being done and I'm apprehensive about it.

    They've redone Omega Man.

    I HATED F451 when I read the book, or rather read 1/3 of it and couldn't stand anymore.



    Maybe Buck Rogers?

  2. They've been talking about B-52 reengining for literally decades now. However, the C-5 fleet's need was higher so they're doing that first. Yet the price is now $12bn on the LOW side of the estimates, and some are predicting it may run $18bn. To put 4 new engines on 100 planes! Ok, I think they're doing some cockpit renovations too, but still.

  3. If you have Il-2-46, which is I believe ver 4.06m, you only need the 4.08m patch which I think is all-inclusive and lets you skip 4.07m. However, to be safe you could install that one too.

    There's no CP for Il-2-46 at 4.08, either.

  4. I remember in WWIIOL (YEARS ago...I think it was release year, actually) I was in a PanzerIIIF and I shot down a French D-plane trying to strafe or bomb me with one shot from my main gun right into his engine. It was a beautiful sight, and I'm sure the pilot was MAD. :biggrin:

    I've done it in OFP/ArmA a few times when a helo is either A) hovering or B) moving in a perfectly straight line with a good deflection angle. I've actually shot down far more helos with unguided RPGs there, though.


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