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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I think supercruise has to be a substantial amount over Mach 1. Lots of older jets could break Mach 1 without afterburner in a clean config if they made a shallow dive or something first, but we're talking Mach 1.05 or such. Most "supercruise" is more like Mach 1.2 or higher.


    As for reducing the RCS, just look at the Super Hornet. Bigger than the old Hornet, but has an RCS far smaller thanks to the inlets and angle changing.

  2. That scene was so over-the-top ridiculous.


    No jet would dare hover INSIDE a multi-level freeway. At the least the plane would have trouble in control, and at worst it would crash. Going over a highway like that that low would result in unstable airflow as it passed from being 6 ft over the road to more to less and back. Also, AFAIK there is ZERO way to fire the guns in the hover. That is for take off/landing, it's not a helo gunship! Also, there's no way he would get that close. Again, it's not a helo. However, the movie makers decided once it got there they could make it into a helicopter and so they did.


    In short, although it's nice to watch, it's no different from the ridiculous scene with Arnold and Eliza Dushku and that other guy in True Lies.

  3. Well, both have already been done by mods technically, but then so was WOI. I'd like a Korea myself.

    WWII frankly is done to death by games like IL-2 and CFS3 and so on, so I'm not particularly interested in YET ANOTHER WWII sim.


    I think a Korean War sim, complete with some WWII planes like the P-51, A-26, and Yak-9, would be great.

  4. Yeah, I like Terminator as well, although I've heard rumors its ratings aren't living up to expectations. I hope they don't can that one too.


    As for Bionic Woman, I laughed so hard on one early episode when Jaime goes into a room where Katee's original BW had been living...and playing on the TV was a space battle from the new BSG!! :biggrin:


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