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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. My wife said she thought it was too boring. I found the only stuff I really enjoyed was the stuff with Katee Sackhoff. The rest of the time it seemed slow and the plots were never really up to snuff.

    I just want to know WHY they have to keep going to England to find people to be in these shows. What's wrong with American actors??

  2. Really? I never heard anything about that, but I don't frequent any SW sites on the net. I used to visit TFN back when the prequels were in production, but after RotS came out...wow, almost 4 years ago now...I quit visiting regularly.

    I would've liked to learn more about Palpy's years as an apprentice.

  3. After many years I've finally uninstalled SWBF2 and EaW (for now) and have reinstalled SWGB. Played one skirmish vs 2 AI last night (also against each other, 3 teams total) and it took 3 hours! Longest I've spent on one RTS mission in a long time.

    Other than that I still have Jedi Academy installed, but I'm thinking of reinstalling the now 9-yr old X-Wing Alliance after a break of at least 5 years. Time for some mod downloading!

  4. The Super Hornet is the best carrier-capable plane out there until the JSF enters service. Every other plane mentioned so far, including the Su-33 and MiG-29K, is not as good thanks to the AESA and lower RCS.

    If you go comparing it with land-based planes, that's a different story. However, while Oz isn't looking for a carrier plane, India would be.

  5. I may have this a little off, but the main reason P-51s were used in Korea and not P-47s was quite simply there weren't enough P-47s to do the job. Of course, jets were used in the early days but quickly replaced by piston engined fighters when their short legs became clear.

    The ANG nationwide had been given P-51s as the jets were delivered to the active force. The P-47s were mostly scrapped. Why? Hard to say. Perhaps for the intended mission of "defend US soil from waves of incoming Soviet bombers" the P-51 was seen as the better choice than the "Jug." The idea that only 5 years later they'd be doing ground attack in Korea literally never entered their minds.

  6. i don't know if here is the best place to ask,but...


    i have WOV. how i add weapons on the game????

    ex: aim-120,iris-t,meteor, bombs...


    i need some patch??? if yes, what patch???


    The Knowledge Base is your friend. :grin:

    You need the Weapons Pack, located here in the downloads section. Or you can duplicate the effort and make them yourself using the weapons editor and a 3D modeling program to make the weapons' shapes and create textures for them from scratch. I recommend the weapons pack instead!

  7. Is there the possibility of a "scramble"? Can unmanned planes like that be activated and taxi out? Maybe in a future patch/release?


    I've noticed differing numbers of planes at any given airfield...one had a single Cub, others had rows of Beagles and Fishbeds.


    Does this mean if there's a mission where incoming planes are to attack OUR airfield and we fail to stop them we could have fewer planes in our squadron?

  8. Now I'm confused...so you started a thread to make a point and then disagree with yourself? I haven't seen any posts about the series going in a different direction of which you speak (only to then negate), just that the engine is capable of more. Besides which, you didn't respond to any such post--you started a new one all to yourself. If you'd made this as a reply to someone who did ask such a thing, that would've made more sense.


    Imagine any great statesman starting off a speech "To answer your question, you are totally wrong!" when no one had said anything...

  9. You're not alone, I'm not particularly capable with them myself! I prefer a kb/mouse or joystick or wheel (depending on game type) to that stupid gamepad design any day of the week.

    I wish I could plug some of those things into my PSP on a regular basis!


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