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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Ironically I think the proximity to Florida has HURT them. It's been far too easy for them to get out of Cuba and come here, or for others to make regular trips and bring US $$ with them. Castro needs the money and with US $$ you can get whatever you want in the country (that's there, naturally). With family in the US regularly visiting and bringing them $$ they're happy to sit there and complain about Castro but aren't actually motivated to DO anything about it.

    Meanwhile, those in Miami rail against the US for NOT taking out Castro decades ago and decided that since they can't live in Cuba the way they want, they'll turn Miami into a new Cuba and the rest of us can just leave.

  2. I'm glad Castro finally quit! Cuba has never really been as threat to us after the missile crisis, but i hear his brother is worse than him and i hope he doesn't get put into power. As for the U.S., i think we should lift the embargo with Cuba and open up free trade so i could get my hands on some cigars.


    It hasn't been about Castro's possible threat to the US in decades. It's all about resentment and punishment which is why it's so stupid.

  3. It's true that they had to upgrade the equipment on the ships to do this, but I believe it was more because they were shooting at a "cold" target that hadn't yet started reentry or had any passage through the atmosphere. Usually anything you're trying to shoot down will shine in the IR band due to those factors. Other than that, the SM-3 system has had BMD in its plan for years now.


    Besides, whether or not it could do it before, it CAN do it now.


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