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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. From what I've heard the problem has been that piloting UAVs has been a career dead-end. It doesn't impress the higher-ups when it comes to advancement, so you might as well have been peeling corn the whole time of your stationing.

  2. Where I live, North Carolina, it is required for all seniors to do a big a** stupid exit project in order to get their diploma. Instead of doing mine on something boring I decided to do mine on Sukhoi Military Aircraft. With that I have to write a 10-15 page essay on the subject, Create a product on the subject, give a 15 minute speech two 2 or 3 judeges on my subject, and create a multimedia presentation on my subject. I need some suggestions on where I can find books, newspaper articles, magazine articles, and even a couple good websites. Please guys I really need the help badly!!!!


    Well, I hope you spell check your project better than your post. :wink:

  3. The zone thing is likely a major reason so many studios didn't want to go HD, especially Disney, inventor of the "vault" to artificially increase sales of their films.

    I bought 2 separate players because it was cheaper than a combo and the combos weren't rated as highly. I had the minimal space needed to put it in the cabinet.

  4. Actually, TMP was TOO MUCH classic Trek...it was The Changeling! However, it also was supposed to be the pilot for a new ST series. When Star Wars hit it big and everyone jumped on the "me too" wagon, Paramount REdiscovered Star Trek and the film series began.

    Remember, though, that they knew TMP wasn't great. That's why Nimoy asked to be written out at the end of ST2. Of course, the film was done so well (it's listed as "the ST film liked by those who aren't ST fans") that Nimoy wanted back in, so Meyer refused to write/direct ST3 because he hated that idea.

    I just lament the waste that was ST5. That was a deal they should not have made with Shatner.

  5. They've started filming it already: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0970416/


    "Say 'Gort...Keanu...whoa...'"


    Blade Runner was an adaptation of Dick's Androids novel, any remake would be VERY different.


    As for Rama: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0134933/

    That won't be till next year though, apparently. Not sure how the strike might have affected either of these, though.


    I think Clarke's "Childhood's End" would have been a great film, but "V" and "Independence Day" have kind of ruined that.

    I love Asimov's Foundation series, but I can't see it made into a film easily. The Robot novels, however, hold some promise. "Caves of Steel" would be a great film, and then there are 3 sequel books to follow.

  6. Yeah, I know a couple of guys who've been playing it semi-obsessively since release. They have over 30 hrs in it already and these guys barely spend any time on their PC in the first place!


    Well, I'll definitely try out the demo when it comes out, but I'm not going to buy sight unseen.

  7. I bought one of each, but I was smart about it and only paid $200 for my HD player and only have a few movies right now (although I'm waiting for my 5 free...Toshiba better still send me those!).

    I paid $450 for the Bluray player, the first 1.1 released by Panasonic back in December. It's not 2.0, but I don't care about that. I'm not going to be hooking up my players to the internet any time in the future, the wiring is a PITA. They can put a wireless adapter in there if it's so important.

    My HD player DOES have an ethernet port on it, but it's not connected.

  8. Ah, so it was just the .exe that was time limited. I have that myself lying around somewhere, came with a copy of PC Gamer one month. The game itself was just too much of a clickfest for me. I like my combat to ebb and flow, not BE IN YOUR FACE EVERY MINUTE FROM THE WORD GO!


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