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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. While you can argue it either way, the fact remains that the answer is radial. :wink:


    Inlines are ill-suited to combat damage, and since that's what they always take, why bet your life on it?

  2. One thing I will never understand, and this goes for instances like the US Civil War too, is if they want to leave, why would you want them to stay? Sure, you know why the politicians want it. Yet why would the average citizen care if some far-flung part of their country decides it would rather be another one? That's like chaining your wife to the house so she won't leave you...

  3. Yeah thats from part 2 the Rambo take off - uses a chicken in a cross bow - and gets highest body count for a movie from what i remember!


    Cant believe sly Stalone is making another Rambo - give it rest man - loved the first one - thought the 2nd two were sh**e




    Anyway - what about Air Force One - F-15s Vs Mig 29s and the evil Gary Oldman!



    Yeah, we all know an F-15 could get itself between a 747 and a MiG-29!

  4. Clean up from a lost rocket is of course a lot worse than from a reentering satellite, but the fumes and substances are beyond dangerous. They're...um...REALLY dangerous. :grin:


    If anyone is interested, here's a small clip of one that did a lot of damage here just over 10 years ago when it suffered an...ahem..."anomaly" at launch. :biggrin: Gotta love that understatement...


    Keep in mind many cars were lost in this as the stuff fell back on the pad and for some odd reason the parking lot is located RIGHT NEXT to the pad. After this, launch rules were changed and you can't park anything there at launch time anymore.


  5. One other thing would be another uninstall/reinstall, but after uninstall go into your directory and totally delete the Lockon folder. Just to make sure no .cfg files or anything are lingering behind.

    The problem really is you have a midrange card from YEARS ago and I don't think ATI is keeping it really current with the drivers it's released lately. There are sites out there that have older drivers archived. You might try an early 7.x or even a 6.x driver.

  6. I don't claim to know anything about the U.S armed forces but in light of the post 9/11 defence budget increase in the billions, what's up with the deactivation's and cutback's ?


    All that money is going into operations in SW Asia. The pace of buying replacement equipment has not increased, but the rate of wearing down the old stuff did. Instead of being good for another 10 years, things are going to need replacing in less than 5. However, the JSF program can't be rushed anymore than it is, and buying more of the older planes looks bad politically plus it's just plain money that isn't there.

    The money is being burned up in Iraq pretty much. Afghanistan and other ops by comparison are chump change.

  7. There's a lot of spare parts out there for 767s. That said, I'm not particularly enthused with the idea of the US buying a ton of them as tankers NOW as the replacement plane (787) is gearing up for production. It's the situation with the JSTARS being used 707s all over again writ large.

    On the flipside, I don't care for the KC-30 or whatever NorthGrum is pitching it as too much either. We don't need FEWER numbers of a larger airplane! The 135 fleet is stretched as it is and we're already buying fewer to replace them.

  8. I think the best part of that movie was the river boat trip. Or was that HS pt 2? Anyway, he's looking over things as the boat goes along the river, and then there's another boat coming the opposite direction with Martin Sheen in it saying "I can't believe they wanted me to kill this guy..."

    As they pass each other, they see each other, stand up and shout at the same time "I loved you in Wall Street!" :biggrin:

  9. Heh, well at least I needn't worry about the date part anymore!


    Cypress Hill's video for Insane is forever immortalized by its appearance on Beavis and Butthead, the quintessential commentary of 90's teen life!



    BTW, if you're ever down in Miami you can visit Al's final home where he lived till he died. It's just SO exciting to see a ~100 yr old house with absolutely NOTHING special about it other than Al lived there in a wheelchair.

  10. There are so many toxic chemicals used in rockets and satellites it's a wonder people want to work around them at all.

    Some of them smell strongly, giving you at least a few seconds warning (I say seconds because generally speaking if you smell it then it's already damaging your insides), but a few are odorless.

    Even though I don't work on the pads we all have to take the same safety courses about things like the emergency breathers and the eyewash stations.

    I remember one guy from the Test Sq telling a story about being out at a pad doing an inspection with his team and then thinking, "Who brought a tuna sandwich out here??" (That's what he thought he smelled.) Next thing he did was shout "LEAK!" and they all cleared datum PDQ!


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