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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The funny thing is the Hornet is a direct evolution of the F-5. It was done in stages switching to twin tails, increasing the engine size, moving wings from low to mid-mounted, adding LERXs, increasing nose size for a normal radar, altering stab shape, etc, but if you've ever seen the paper designs that preceded the YF-17 the lineage is plain as day.


    I'd like to see a pic of the YF-17 next to an F/A-18E!

  2. I remember when there was talk of cancelling the F-22 it was brought up time and again that it would directly impact the costs of the F-35 program because F-22 development, paid for in that program, would be "gimmes" to the F-35 program and help keep it cheaper. Cancelling the f-22 meant the F-35 would have to pay for those developments.

    Now instead the main problem the F-35 faces now is...cost. There's really no doubt they'll get the F-35 series working well and combat effective. The question is how much will the unit cost be and will the various countries that have pledged to buy X number be ABLE to buy that many? If they don't, the unit cost will increase more, leading to even fewer bought, which will increase the cost more, and the circle continues...


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