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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. There were several of those console-shoot-em-up starfighter SW games made. Rebel Assault was first, followed by the Rogue Squadron and other series. They were ok, but I never really liked them.

    The best overall was Shadows of the Empire. Sometimes you did starfighter combat, but other times it was an FPS.

  2. Maybe you didn't hear her normal voice in the English release, but her accent was annoyingly thick. She didn't say "life" but something more like "loife" for instance. Plus, I didn't buy the "super smart super hot girl with nose piercing" idea. It's trying so hard to be anti-stereotype that it IS a stereotype, albeit one you only see in the movies!

  3. Yeah, the Director's Guild fined him and Kershner big time for ESB, so he resigned from it. That meant he couldn't ask Spielberg to direct ROTJ (his original plan), so he got that other Marquand guy to do it. However, Lucas pretty much directed half of that one anyway.


    However, all that trouble was post-ESB release, so by then those choices had been made.

  4. They've had some changes in leadership and apparently none for the better. I admit they'd put out some crappy SW games, but there were also some good ones. Now the only ones other than EAW were the Lego ones and the SWB: Renegade Squadron that I just got for my PSP. I don't know WHY they didn't make that for PC...unless it's like I said before that they're getting around PC piracy this way.

  5. Not just console-only, EVERY console only! I mean, even the Wii and PSP are getting it, but not the PC.


    It sounds to me more like "we're worried about the game getting pirated, so we're not releasing it on PC." Maybe after a year and the sales have dropped off for the consoles they'll release a PC version...maybe...

  6. Ah, you haven't finished Fury yet...well, know that you'll like the end. :grin:


    As for making Jacen a Sith, yeah, I'm not a fan of that plan either. To dig up Lumiya and then say Vergere was in on it seemed stretching it too far. Well, it is what it is now.

  7. B-1A/B size differences are negligible, if any. They changed the inlets on the engine and that was about it as far as external differences. Internal is another story.




    Fuselage 170ft. 6in.

    Overall (Boom Retracted) 181ft. 7in.


    To top of tail 57ft. 7in.

    To top of fuselage 27ft. 2in.


    Wing Span 165ft. 4in.

    Horizontal Stabilizer Span 71ft. 2in.

    Fuselage 19ft. 9in.




    159 feet, 4 inches (48.5 meters)


    40 feet, 8 inches (12.4 meters)


    185 feet (56.4 meters)


    So, the B-52 has a bigger wingspan but that's it.


    As for the Hustler, its max payload was 8823 kg, so you can figure it could've carried a lot of bombs if the trials had shown any promise. They didn't, so they skipped it and just went for the B-52.

  8. I'm sure pretty much any country with a medium-sized or larger armed forces could use something the size of a C-17. The questions are 1) did they formulate a requirement that made it thru the beauracratic process and 2) can they afford a $200m+ plane, let alone at least 3 which is what most countries do when they decide to get one?

  9. Depends on why it crashed. If it was something like fuel starvation or a bird strike, I'd think not. That would take out any jet.


    As for the ejection seat, those are often replaced. Especially a bird like the F-16 that's still being built, there are options for newer seats than what that Bravo bird left Ft Worth with back in the day.

  10. To shoot a plane down, you need to do 3 things.

    First, to find it. If you can't see it or know it's there but not exactly WHERE you can't get it.

    Two, to track it. Having some massive EWR that uses LF radar to find the plane is no help for SAMs. All you can do in that case is vector in fighters (which the F-22 would eat alive) or use AAA to put a lot of lead in the sky.

    Three, to hit it. Faster a missile goes, the less maneuverable it is. Something flying at hypervelocity will break apart if it pulls too many g's (look at Columbia), so you're limited in your final course changes. Slower missiles have to worry about the plane not being there when it gets there unless they've got a good tracking lock.


    Remember the F-22 isn't going to be overflying any SAM sites. It will know where they are and stay outside their range. Sure, one could sit there turned off and try to turn on and catch the F-22 real close, but...how will it know when the F-22 is close enough to turn on their radar? Normally to know that sort of thing you use...radar. :grin:

  11. Yup, been able to post there from work pretty much unhindered since 2000 at the various jobs I've held. This place I've been at 6 years this Friday, and it was never blocked...until now. :cray:

  12. You old guys are gonna like this, today I played the old F-19 (this game is only two years younger than me :rolleyes: ) and had fun like I haven't had in months. :good:



    Two years younger than you?? I was in HS when I played F-19!


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