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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I recall they had placed lights all over the surface of the plane and had them on at varying intensities and groupings to see how best to make the plane blend into the sky. I don't remember what plane(s) they used.


    One of the longest active runways in the world is right here, the SLF. Gets used for most shuttle landings.

  2. I also never got FA. I had USNF, USMF, ATF, NATO, and USNF 97. When FA came out I said "Why would I want this?" and didn't get it...of course, at the time I was still dual-booting DOS and Win9x for games...

  3. Yeah, there's a base in UT that's more remote where they do all the TS flight testing now I think.

    However, the base at Groom Lake itself probably does do lots of work still.

  4. I never thought much about him one way or another, but I think Brothers Grimm was the only thing I really remember him from. I will be seeing Dark Knight, though.

  5. I played F-19 for a good 2.5 yrs straight before the release of F3 took over as my main jet sim. I LOVED playing that thing. Whether you chose Cold War, limited war, or WWIII, it offered differing tactics and combat.


    F-15SE 2 I played when it came out, later, and I only played it a few hours at most. Aside from some minor graphical improvements (compared to F-19 but not the later F-117 SF 2.0 which looked a LOT better), it had that stupid damage model where all you lost was thrust from damage, to the point that you'd eventually fall out of the sky if you were hit too much.

  6. I don't know. ET was designed as a for-pay expansion that was canned when they couldn't get the SP to work as they wanted (bots were brain-dead). ET:QW is what they wanted the bots to be capable of.

    In lieu of just dumping all that work, they released ET as a free MP-only title that superceded RTCW's MP (which I played a lot back in the day).


    I have my doubts about this "free" BF.


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