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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. We bought the MiG-29s from Moldova in the early 90s that they put on the market. No idea if they're still operable.


    The problem with Russian military equipment has always been maintainability. Their stuff was built with a different philosophy than ours, with depot-level maintenance happening every 1000-2000 hrs I think? In the West that would be totally unacceptable, but over there they had a semi-disposable outlook on stuff. Use it and beat it up for a thousand hours or so, then send it to depot for repairs while you use the one that just came out of the depot.


    Granted that outlook has changed in the last 10 years, but Russia has yet to fly anything designed in the last 10 years. Everything "new" is just a variant of a cold war-era design.


    So while Russian planes would undoubtedly be cheaper to procure, I'm not sure what the maintenance costs and availability rates would be. Wouldn't help if only 60% of the fleet is active at any one time with the other 40% in varying states of maintenance!

  2. I think they were F/A-18s. At least, they kept referring to them in the film. You couldn't really tell by looking they went by so fast.


    Yeah, this film is literally Godzilla (story) meets Blair Witch (story telling style). Except the budget is far lower than the 98 Godzilla's was (only $25 million) and it doesn't have a Hollywood ending. In fact, if you pay attention the end of the film is given away in the first 30 seconds when the text is on the screen!


    All I could think was "Gee, a lot more people would've lived if they'd not bothered with trying to rescue his girl."

  3. Ah yes, F-15 SE 1. Your carrier (?) was a blue triangle. Enemy targets were brown triangles. The water was blue, the land was tan. Enemy planes were a few triangles stuck together. When you shot them, these weird triangle-shaped streaks came out of them...

    Gunship wasn't much better. F-19 was the ground-breaking one for graphics. You could tell what was what by SIGHT. An F-5, F-4, MiG-21, all could be id'd on SIGHT. It was amazing!

  4. Yeah, boards give the options to change these things based on post counts. I'm one of only two people at SimHQ to break 20,000 posts, so they made a separate category for us. :grin:

    My posting here is far more restrained, plus I've got over 3 more years over there.

  5. I liked how they did it. Instead of TRYING to convince you it was really a resistance hospital only to reveal later *gasp* it wasn't!!! they instead let you assume it was a Cylon trick, then give you bits and pieces to make you start doubting it...maybe Simon really is an overworked doctor...before the final reveal hits you in the face with "No, it's your worst nightmare!!"

  6. Of course, what has LA done since then?

    We haven't had a Jedi Knight game in over 4 years.

    We haven't had an X-wing type game in NINE years.

    We had SW Battlefront 1 and 2 (also released a year apart, like KOTORs) but that was now 2.5 yrs ago since the last one.

    Other than that joke MMO Galaxies, Empire at War is the only recent SW game other than the Lego trilogies. EAW is a fine game and all, but strat games are a bit impersonal and I'd like something more up close and personal.

    That's why I will likey get a 360 just to play Force Unleashed!


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