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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Well, the difference is the F-35 is still in development, the Gripen is in service, plus there are already many other countries involved with the F-35.


    That said, I don't think the Gripen would be a bad choice at all. They could certainly get hold of them faster. Wouldn't they be the first Gripens in NATO if they did?

  2. I thought the Japanese aircraft ATD-X or something was an own design with thrust vectoring and stealth similar to F-22 not actually an F-22. I don't think F-22 was release to Japan because of security risk, how Japan is only a spit away from China. I read somewhere China stole tech through Japan before.


    If going by the logic of not selling weapons to past enemies then I'm for banning weapon sales to UK, Fance, Germany, Italy, Spain, Cananda..... not being sarcastic I just really don't wanna see these coutnries benefit from high tech us weapons hahahaha


    Back to the SU-34 I don't think its practical, even if RAAF fit them with Western avionics there's the matters of spare wheels, tyres, pylons, external fuel tanks, wires and cables.. etc that needs to be bought from a different source than the curent fleet. Assuming that RAAF SU-34 uses western engines, thats where I see the main logistic problem.


    Anyone know if integrating Western targetting systems with Russian flight control and navigation been tried anywhere?


    Yes. Israel has done a substantial amount of work in this area, with MiG-21 upgrades and India's Su-30s being the most notable.

  3. The problem is Congress can't keep its mouth shut. You can't tell the Japanese and Aussies you're giving them the full version because Congress will whine. If you tell Congress "Shh, keep it on the DL, but it's a downgraded export version", well...they'll blab in public in less time than you can say "blowhard" and then it's all over.

  4. Heh, well the last 5 minutes of it anyway. I live on the mainland. :grin:

    Of course, there are the unpleasant times as well. The road was shut down after 9/11 for over 6 months. Another time I hit a seagull in flight on the way to work. SMACK into my headlight...

  5. I started on my Atari 400 with B-1 Nuclear Bomber...circa 1983?? Then we got the Atari 800 and I got FS2 with its WWI combat side game.

    First PC sim was Gunship in 1988, first jet was F-19 Stealth Fighter in 1989.


    I've been flying at varying rates (a lot more in the 90s than recently) for 25 years now on my PCs. I average maybe 20 hrs/week on my PC, but not always flying. In fact some weeks I don't fly at all, but race or FPS or RTS or whatever instead.


    So, make up a number and maybe it's correct. Just as good as any I'd make!

  6. Forgetting the perhaps intractable problem of the canards deflecting for landing, I think the four trailing edge surfaces work pretty much standard for a delta--inboard are elevators/flaps, outboard are elevons, likely with droop for extra lift (ie operate as flaps with less deflection on landing).


    The Gripen is relatively small and I think the elevons outboard would provide quite a bit of roll control. I haven't seen any evidence of differential movement in the canards for roll like most stabilators do nowadays...in fact, I think most canards on all planes are linked together and move as one.


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