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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. What Terminator was sent with no skin? I didn't see one.

    As for the time machine, it was destroyed in the explosion when the machine activated. Then, coincidentally, 8 years later a construction crew went to work where the bank was when the vault was destroyed and finds the head. Odd that Terminator heads work via WiFi. :grin:

  2. I never read any of Watson's books, but I had to draw a line somewhere...I'm running out of space!


    The guy who wrote PoD (and the new Rule of Two I've yet to read, but it's on my shelf!) is the guy behind the Knights of the Old Republic RPGs, which had AWESOME stories, even though KOTOR2 got cut short by LA's insistence on releasing it just one year after KOTOR in time for Xmas. :(

  3. ...yes? :wink:


    I have ET:QW and think it's great fun, as I like the idea of playing 3 linked maps and unlocking upgrades as you go only to reset again at the end. I do NOT like the BF2-derived idea of "unlocks" for playing a lot. The people that play a lot aren't the ones that need the better equipment!! :blink:

  4. Oh, I've only read...all of them. :wink: Well, with the exception of the young adults/childrens books, of which I read like 3 or 4 total over the past 15 years.


    Of course, some are better than others, but you can bet the Zahn ones will rock!

  5. I got separate ones for less, I think you pay a premium just to get the dual format. Besides, there are people that claim it's not TRUE dual format, something about it only meeting the standards for one half, the other only "mostly" conforming, whatever that means.

  6. Regarding the full merged IL2 (Aces, Pacific, etc) sim...


    1) Is there a way to change the current waypoint on the map display? It's annoying that it seems to insist you fly to each next waypoint, regardless of the situation ...like if I'm already 2 waypoints ahead of it, due to having to take a detour, yet it wants me to go back and hit the first one... or if I am badly damaged, and want to head straight for home, it still insists I hit all the waypoints.


    2) Is there a way to declutter the map (remove all the gun icons) AFTER a career is started? You should be able to toggle them on/off if you have selected to have them on in your career difficulty settings. Most of the time, the target area is completely covered by icons, so you can't look at terrain/landmarks.


    3) Why is it that you have to switch autopilot off in order to turn the wing leveler on/off... even though the wing leveler can be on with autopilot on or off?


    4) Why is it that you can't adjust the bombsite (altitude, speed, viewing angle) while autopilot is on for the pilot? Those are two separate positions. Why are they treated as one in terms of autopilot?


    5) Is there no way to see what altitudes you are supposed to be at for each waypoint on the briefing map?


    6) Why is it that very often, it seems that I can't slow down the bombsite speed enough to prevent drift? Is there a minimum altitude you can use the bombsite at? I have the other settings correct, yet even at the slowest speed, the bombsite targeter is sliding down faster than the ground.


    7) Is there no way to accelerate time faster than 8x? Meaning, is there no 'jump to next waypoint' feature?


    8) How are the altitude and airspeed guages in the bombing deck read? The altitude seems to be way higher than the sim info panel altitude. Are they in different units? If so, why the heck would they do that? (The plane makers, not the programmers)


    9) Are there any fighterplane campaigns that focus on ground attacks, rather than dogfighting?




    1. Not that I know of, old design choice since the beginning.


    2. Not that I know of.


    3. Also old design choice since the beginning.


    4. Also old design choice since the beginning.


    5. Not that I know of.


    6. After 6 years of this sim I've STILL never used the bombsite...always divebombing for me! :grin:


    7. Nope.


    8. See #6. :grin:


    9. If you're looking for ground attack, you either need to pick a plane that never fought air-to-air or you need to use a 3rd party campaign, not a built-in one.

    Lowengrin's Dynamic Campaign Generator for Il-2 has been around for years and offers a lot more flexibility and customization. Or you can look for scripted campaigns online, but of course it will always play the same.


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