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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Is there a keyboard command to toggle lables on/off? For some reason, labels are suddenly on, and I'd like to get rid of them.


    Are there keyboard commands for the map, so I don't have to use the mouse to click in them to zoom, etc?


    I thought there was, but perhaps not. I believe instead it's an option you choose before you start the mission, along with things like engine overheat, blackouts, etc.



    Not that I'm aware of. Once the map is opened with M everything is mouse-driven.

  2. I haven't used any mods for F4 pretty much since F4:AF came out. Its stability was what drew me to it! So I don't know off hand which one, but I would sort by dates and look for the newest ones. The SP4 one probably still applies in large part, which is why it's there. I believe OF was an extension of SP4, that's why.

  3. There are a few rocket fighters around...like the Me-163, but I'm not sure whether its engine is classified as a rocket engine or just is normal jet engine pretending to be one.


    Btw, my assumption that the counter would stop at 999999 ft was false.



    1750000 ft. I guess my "starfighter" needs a bigger engine...again. :biggrin:



    See, it's a totally different thing. I guess the disapperance of the cockpit (and the aircraft) has something to with the view settings or so.



    Um, there is a slight problem with that number! That is ~331.5 miles or 530.5 km in altitude. The ISS orbits at 334.4 km!!!

    So, your F-104 went higher than the space shuttle WITHOUT the mega solid rocket boosters or external fuel tank the size of a C-130 fuselage. :grin:

  4. I bought an external HD for important file backup along with DVD Rs.

    Granted if my C: drive goes I'm SOL, but I'd have to redo my entire system to do RAID 1. I have 2 DVD drives (one reader, one writer thanks to game CPs hating my writer) and 2 HDs split in half for 4 logical drives. I'm still running IDE, BTW, so I'd have to put ALL my 4 logical drives onto a single (much larger of course) physical drive. I think my 2 are a 160 and a 300? So I'd need a pair of 500s minimum.


    Anyway, I've decided I'm going to build a new PC for Vista instead of upgrade the XP one so I'll have it around for backwards compatability. I don't want to mess with dual-booting! I'll probably start off with RAID on that one.


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