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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. While I was on alert in the NEACP E-4B (747-200) we launched on a Presidential Support Mission to accompany "Ron" back to the White House. As we climbed through the clouds we had one of those "Blinding Flashes of the Obvious" and all of our electrical systems went dark........


    Quick reset of everything brought it all back on line and we all "reset the heart circuit breakers". Then executed a precautionary landing back at March AFB to check out the plane. We couldn't find anything and re-launched a few hours later for home plate. Speculation was the lightning didn't hit directly but was close enough to surge all of the systems and caused us to reset (about a 30 second evolution).


    Got all of our attention and made a believer in thunderstorm avoidance out of me!


    LOL, doesn't speak well to hardening for EMP, does it? :grin:

  2. The original 60GB model and the 80GB model that replaced it at the same $499 price point both support PS2 games. The new lower-cost 40GB model was cheaper by virtue of the fact that backwards emulation is one of the things left out.

  3. Thanks C5,


    J/M...you seriously never noticed that when the game says "cool, here is a medal", that it never shows up in your pilot record? And do not even mention ejecting in this game to me...how long did that take to implement?





    No, honestly! I saw the medal awarded to me, and thought "Ok, cool." I never recall trying to look it up later! The only stats I cared about in my pilot log were kills and deaths and hours flown.

    I admit that despite my years of flying this series I don't have nearly as many hours as some other people here. I can go a month or longer between bouts. So I'm not necessarily as intimate with the workings of this as others here.

    I'm still a "light" modder--I put in the planes and terrains and have done the weapon .ini dance, but I've never done things like add planes to campaigns or alter single mission files or whatever.

  4. That's usually because Sony keeps the format to themselves ie you want to play a Beta tape or MD you need a Sony player.

    With BD they're not trying to keep it all to themselves and that's helping.


    As for confusion, here's a story that illustrates it--I was online Saturday at BB holding the Panasonic BD player I was getting. The woman in line behind me sees the box and comments to her son, "Oh, the Bluray player is hi definition just like you said. It says it there on the box." The kid responds with typical pre-teen "I TOLD you! I TOLD you!" :grin: So, there are at least some people out there who grasp that HD DVD is "HD" but NOT that Bluray is.

  5. There's multiple types of jamming, but flight sims always simply model "noise" jamming. As a result, all it does is prevent lock on until closer and burn-thru occurs.

    Deception jamming would be nice, where the jammer fools the attacker into thinking you're somewhere close to where you are, but not really. Fire a missile and it appears to pass harmlessly through you because you're really miles from there!


    However, the whole classified nature of it means we can forget a realistic sim of it.


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