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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. A lot of people are skeptical about this to a large degree. I personally think they should've gone 3d-animated so only the voice casting is important, how the actors look isn't. Plus the car just doesn't look right in the 21st century.

  2. The funny thing is Paramount was dual-format last year and then went HD DVD only, making Warner the only dual-format studio left. Now every studio is exclusive to one side. That's ok, my HD DVD player was only $200. I was planning on buying Warner's in BD anyway now since I have both players, so this really only hurts the HD DVD-only people. I'm not certain how many of them there are, but there are still a lot of movies on HD DVD, albeit not as many as on BD right now.

  3. I just bought a Panasonic BD player this weekend at BB. I didn't get the PS3 instead for a couple of reasons.

    1, the Panasonic is final profile, 1.1, but I'm not certain about when or if the PS3 will gain this ability.

    2, although it was $100 more list, I had a 10% off coupon which made it only $50 more, plus BB had a special last week where if you buy a BD player (but not a PS3 or PC-internal one) you got 5 free BD movies in addition to the 5 Sony already gives you. The difference is the 5 you got there you got to pick off the shelves. :wink: So I got 2001 and the 5-disc Blade Runner among others!


    Also, I'm not sure the PS3 would've fit in my cabinet next to my DVD-R and HD DVD players where it needed to go.

  4. Texas is a haul.....I drove from El Paso to San Antonio about 550 miles, took 7 hours roughly. and that was just 2/3 away through the state on my way to Houston. If you think driving Florida is bad, you can drive for almost 2 days (driving time) in Texas and never leave the state.


    When we drove from Miami to Vegas, we drove across I-10. It took us almost 2 days with a stop somewhere east of San Antonio as I recall and was the WORST leg of the trip. About 1000 miles with NOTHING to see. :blink:

  5. I think part of the misconception is in the way nukes are made. There is no way the F-16s sold to Pakistan could drop US made nukes. We have multiple failsafes and such and specialized equipment needed for proper operation.


    However, the way a nuclear bomb works is really quite simple. It's all about having the proper materials and the correct manner of construction in making one work, which is why there used to be so much testing. Theory only takes it so far. Anyway, I don't think it would be any more difficult for the Pakis to wire their plane to drop nukes they made themselves than it was to make the nukes in the first place, honestly. After all, it's not like air dropped or missile-launched nukes are all that exist. They made nuclear artillery shells! How complex an arming system could they have needed?


    So, while on the one hand India has a point that these planes COULD be used for that, in reality ANY plane Pakistan has could just as easily be wired for their bombs, including the planes they're getting from China. Besides, I don't think the US has really ever done much with carrying nukes on F-16s. We have so many other delivery systems for them that are more appropriate I don't think it's necessary to spend the extra time and money on it.

    Would the planes survive an attack? Most likely not, but if you're going to be using nukes like that my guess is they won't care if their planes and pilots return or not.

  6. Until they're delivered any contract can be cancelled.


    What surprises me is the numbers. How can 4x as many F-35s only cost 2x as much? $250,000,000 per Super Hornet??!?! That's got to be like 3x what they're supposed to cost. Or is that with full life cycle costs? If so, then they're comparing the cost of 24 Superbugs for the full 30 yrs they're to be used with the cost of merely buying 100 F-35s?

  7. J.M you don't realy think I don't know how big the US is, do you?

    I do use Gooogle earth you know. :biggrin:

    It is just because we are so small that driving from Tel-aviv to Haifa takes an hour and it looks like aaallllooong time.

    If things are not made in minutes, we are getting impatient. :biggrin:


    Bah, a map means nothing! If it's not at the same scale as the map of where you live that you're comparing it to you get a false sense of size. There are people in NJ, for example, that are astonished at how big FL is. You can literally drive from sunrise to sunset in FL (in the winter) in one direction (Key West to Pensacola) and never leave the state! To drive across FL from my house to Tampa takes over 2 hours alone.

    Then you get the states out west that are even larger but have small populations so that you can drive all day and never see anyone! For instance, Israel is 20,330 SQ KM in size. Arizona is 294,315 SQ KM, or 14.5x larger, and that's not even close to the largest state. France is 545630 sq km, or less than 2x the size of Arizona!

    I remember we drove from Las Vegas back to Miami in only 3 days of pretty much non-stop driving. I think we stopped and slept for 6 hours or so the 2nd night.


    I think the amazing thing is the variety of languages and cultures in a place like Europe when geographically it's not much larger than Texas, yet Texas is almost culturally unified in comparison!

  8. Perhaps, but we're just being honest that when it comes to flight sims, things like FMs, DMs, AI, graphics, editing, so on rank above medals. In fact, I think turning the engine on/off and ejecting are more important than medals too.

    Not just here, ANY sim. So until you said it, I never realized there was anything wrong with the medals at all, and I've been playing this game since the official (non Wally) SFP1 release!

  9. I was watching Shrek 3 last night and I was thinking how the new Hobbit film could be done animated CG and probably come off better than live action. I mean, Gollum and Smaug would be CG anyway, as would the trolls, so why not?


    Probably same thing here. You can make an animated film look great for less money than a live action one would take.


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