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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I remember watching a program once on the M61A1 Vulcan and it's high ROF. They mentioned the reason the US used the smaller 20mm cannon was so they could get that high ROF. The 23mm+ cannons out there (other than the Hog's GAU-8) have far lower rates of fire.

    The idea is that a fighter-sized target flying at 90 degrees to your flight path would be hit by around half a dozen shells as it crossed in front of you, assuming straight and level flight for shooter and target for this argument. Against a MiG-21-sized target, that was deemed enough hits for a probable kill. Granted the target may take more to go down, but it will likely be in very bad shape as those shells have impacted along the entire length of the target, not all in one spot.

    This doesn't mean the target explodes in a big fireball, but if the plane is hurt enough that the pilot must either eject or RTB, that's sufficient. In real life, of course. Sims tend not to count damaged "mission kills" as real kills.

  2. You can have my XP when you rip it from my corpse... Vista is a perfect example of trying to do "too much with too little". The fact that MS shoved it down our throat doesn't make it any more endearing...


    I've aways wondered why MS didn't go the other way and make a gaming OS? You know... remove everything that gets in the way of gaming... make the link between OS and hardware as pure and simple as possible... an absolute speed OS.


    I mean looking at the amount of money a typical gamer will shell out for hardware... and the cornucopia of shareware/freeware programs promising gaming nervana... I think a dedicated gaming OS would be snatched like gold pieces!


    (Sorry... didn't mean to hijack this thread)


    They did. It's called the X360's OS. :grin:

  3. Flying a fighter in MSFS is like flying training missions. You can't do anything different from the other planes, except for the addition of carrier ops in the latest expansion. There's no combat of any type.

    There ARE missions of a sort now, but they don't involve blowing up or shooting anything.

  4. We're testing Vista here. What a major PITA. So many programs won't work with it...I'm referring to older programs that are still in widespread use, along with websites that were designed around the lax security in XP that Vista won't allow to work.

    IMHO some things were changed in Vista just for the sake of changing them and it was unnecessary. The docs/settings folder being switched to "users" for one. It does confuse some programs.


    I've already decided never to dump my XP machine, and just buy a new one when I decide to go with Vista.

  5. As I mentioned before, it's a compromise. Naturally everyone wishes they had something designed just for them.

    I think in the USAF and USN and certainly the USMC's case, it's not that they want it so much as they need it because there are no alternatives other than keeping old designs in production, and in the USMC's case that's not even an option! Legacy Bugs and Harriers are out of production.


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