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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Am I the only one that thought this was going to be about a kidney stone? :wink:


    I know people that get out all the time, well before their 20, for the same reason as you--too hard to have both parents on active duty. In one case it was obvious, as he was enlisted but she's an officer. Besides, he's making 2x more now in the private sector than as a MSGT. Don't sweat it.

  2. Note he's making a mostly symbolic gesture. When CFE was implemented their conventional forces were far more formidable then they are now. Well, actually they were IDENTICAL to what they are now, just fewer of them. Russia has done little modernizing since the collapse of the USSR.

    I mean, the resumption of occasional bomber flights is now big news. It's all political pressure against the US and to show those at home he's not towing the line. Not that it matters much, as this administration has shown it doesn't alter course from foreign opinions.


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