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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Yeah, SF's lack of consistency as to who has trouble with it is another problem.


    However, my first SF title was SC: Chaos Theory and I had no end of troubles with it. Once I finally got it working, I started getting other SF titles. FC and GTL are the other 2 I think. I only have 3 total since my X3: Reunion released a patch dumping SF. Anyway, those other 2 never gave me any trouble, but of course that could be because the things I did to get SC:CT working also resolved any potential issues with SF. :dntknw:

  2. You don't really have to worry. MS Update will grab the latest version of DX. Or you can go to www.microsoft.com/directx and get it from there.


    Anyway, you can't get DX10 for XP, it doesn't exist, so there's no danger of getting the wrong one. Vista uses DX9L I think, but you don't have it so no worries. :grin:

  3. With F4:AF's release, things just got muddied up.

    The first were the RPs, realism patches. All they did was attempt to correct the unrealistic aspects of the original game. This got rolled up with another mod (eFalcon?) to make the super patches.

    Free Falcon and Open Falcon both attempted to upgrade the graphics I think. So much so that the most recent OF/FF mods look better than F4:AF, which was worked on more for stability, something the mods all are notorious for not having, especially in MP.


    However, there's been so much merging and splitting and abandoning of mod work it's hard to keep track unless you're up to date on it. I think the Red Viper mod was the last big one.

    I'm just sticking with F4:AF for ease of use and installation. :grin:

  4. Funny to put it that way, since the YF-17 was called the Cobra and it turned into the Hornet. :biggrin:


    As for the rear-firing missiles, I thought it was planned for the Su-34, which was more like an F-15E and not that agile. It has that rear radar and it's supposed to allow a shot at an opponent more agile than you that's on your six. Won't help against a BVR shot of course.

  5. The problem is the new Falcon board 360s changed the CPU to 65nm, but left the GPU 90nm. The dreaded RROD is caused by the GPU heating and warping the board so that the solder breaks and the connections fail. Old boards had not even a heatsink on it. The new ones I think finally have a heatsink, but I don't believe there's an internal fan blowing air on it. That's what it should have, like modern CPUs and GPUs for PCs have. MS cut corners stupidly on the cooling issue and they're paying for it now.


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