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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Many of the planes, especially the new ones, have massive nose up tendencies that you have to fight.


    For the Camel 130, I watched the plane in exterior view and it's the elevator that's the problem. In the 110 or 150, you pull back or push forward on the stick and release and the elevator returns to neutral (0 degrees deflection).

    On the 130, If you pull back and release, it returns to what seems to be 5 or so degrees up. If you push forward and release, it returns to about 5 degrees down. It won't return to 0 degrees. That trim statement may fix it, but I don't know if that's a line missing from it that the 110 and 150 have or if it's merely a band-aid to fix the real problem somewhere else.

  2. I love NATO Fighters for a simple reason--I fly online with a guy who has almost zero talent for complicated modding. We've flown FE stock from day 1, and with the expansion we now have more planes although I've had my other modded FE install that I play offline.

    NF means that with the combined WoV/WoE install we have plenty of planes for MP with no conflicts plus he has a fully loaded install for offline.

    I love OTC even though I've never played it MP just because it was so involved if it had to be done manually, and that's why some of the equally good mods that were NOT all-in-one I've yet to install.


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