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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. The eels of war won't negotiate

    The eels of war don't capitulate,

    They will take and you will give,

    And you must die so that they may live

    You can knock at any door,

    But wherever you go, you know they've been there before

    Well winners can lose and things can get strained

    But whatever you change, you know the eels remain.

  2. Well, as a general rule modders spend so much time on their own stuff that spending it on someone else's is almost out of the question. Then you have the whole issue of what was done by whom. If Modder A is doing it but wants to use a plane by Modder B, and B hasn't had the time to update his plane to the latest standard, what then? A really shouldn't do it, it's not his responsibility and B likely won't look kindly at it either. Should A hold up his work waiting for it, or just move on? In that case, a LOT of mods get left out and the whole "unified" thing is moot.


    There are the so-called "total mods" that have been done for the jet sims in this series, like NATO Fighters, Op Tainted Cigar, etc, but usually all the planes in the mod belong to the same mod group and they don't touch the work of those outside for the reasons I stated above.


    I'm not saying this will never happen, I'm just saying I don't think it likely right now. Multiple installs is one answer. All these mods work with the pre-expansion game, so leave that alone. Make a new install with the expansion and then as planes are released/updated move them into that one.


    Sure it's a royal PITA to get the patched version working like the previous one again, but that's the price to be paid for FE being so open that so many modders have been able to do stuff for it.

  3. The media aren't the only ones shortsighted like that.

    Take the insurance industry. A key factor in setting the rates we pay is loss ratios--how much premium they collect vs how much they pay out in claims. I forget what the "standard" is supposed to be. Maybe 70% or so? For every $10 you collect in premium, $7 goes out to pay claims. Of course, for publicly traded companies they want to lower that number.

    Anyway, this is linked to sales. If your sales fall, the amount of premium you collect will fall as well (because people switch away all the time, so you need new blood). Claims stay pretty steady, though. So if you're only collecting $7 now, but still paying $7, now your loss ratio is 100%! What do you think the smart option would be? Obviously, lower your prices so that you'll increase sales and pull in more premium. What do they do instead? They RAISE prices!! :wacko: "Let's charge more!" Sure, that works in theory. They get more premium from existing customers, losses stay the same, back in the black.

    What do you do when your insurance company sends you a notice they're raising your rates? You start shopping around! They not only have sales fall more, but they lose more customers. Premium falls MORE, losses only fall a little (because just one person's claim will equal the premium for a year from 10-100 people), your loss ratio INCREASES!!! So they do it AGAIN!! :wacko:


    It's amazing to me how they can stay in business sometimes being so dense.


    The media reports on things to the world that few know about. They're just as dense. We may get they're wrong, but no one has a platform to call them on it and the public at large believes it.

  4. Yeah, great bit. Don't know if anyone recognized him, but he usually plays a bad guy in other films of the 80s/early 90s, including the original Beverly Hills Cop.


    "Striker was the squadron leader. He brought us in real low. But he couldn't handle it."

    "Buddy couldn't handle it? Was Buddy one of your crew?"

    "Right. Buddy was the bombardier. But it was Striker who couldn't handle it, and he went to pieces."

    "Andy went to pieces?"

    "No. Andy was the navigator. He was all right. Buddy went to pieces. It was awful how he came unglued."

    "Howie came unglued?"

    "Oh, no. Howie was a rock, the best tailgunner in the outfit. Buddy came unglued."

    "And he bailed out?"

    "No. Andy hung tough. Buddy bailed out. How he survived, it was a miracle."

    "Then Howie survived?"

    "No, 'fraid not. We lost Howie the next day."

  5. Not to make this the Ubi zoo but any specific types of the FW or P47? Have not experienced this ever, in any rendition of the il-2FB games..


    Heck if I can remember, but it seems to be all of them from what I remember (I don't fly either very much anymore). Although these planes were renowned for their ground attack abilities, I find I couldn't use them for that because of the snap-roll to inversion (never 90 degrees or 270 degrees, ALWAYS 180) when I pulled back on the stick. I'd be in a say 20-30 degree dive, pull on the stick, and before I was level it would roll over inverted so I was still pointing at the ground and I would then hit before I could roll over 180 again and pull back. :(

    I also noticed then if I tried to turn at altitude, but there it was rarely fatal.


    The funny thing is I never noticed this tendency in any of the other planes unless I REALLY yanked the stick back. It's like you can make a Hellcat do it if you try to pull say 6g's, but the P-47/Fw190 did it to me when pulling like 2-3!


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