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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. LOMAC is for people who want to fly the planes included in that game, not others. Best sim of an Su-25 ever, plus the A-10 and MiG-29 and Su-27. The F-15 is ok.

    Falcon is for people who want the best F-16 sim ever.


    WoX is for people who want to fly EVERYTHING and get to blow it up, unlike MSFS where you can fly but not fight.

  2. Hurt was from "The Downward Spiral," an album that came out over 10 yrs ago now.


    It's not unusual for a cover of a song to be more popular than the original, though. Just look at Whitney Houston's cover of that Dolly Parton song for "The Bodyguard." I didn't think they'd ever stop playing it!!

  3. Looking at the shots you can tell this isn't a "new" engine. It's the same one, but it's been modified to the extent that it's no longer backwards-compatible.

    For those who remember, this is exactly what happened between Il-2 and Il-2:FB, which was planned as the first add on. Another one like this is Company of Heroes:OF, which will actually uninstall the first game and then simply unlock the stuff from the first game in the new one. If you only buy the new one, that stuff stays locked.


    As for promises, I'm sure the dual-edged sword of original intent and Ubi's strings necessitated the change that they apparently didn't plan on from the start. The broken relationship with Ubi certainly affected this, and we should be glad they're now free of that, even if it means we don't get our cake as we wanted.


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