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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I love oldies, rock, some of what some people consider "pop" (although I usually don't), some soundtracks, and a smattering of classic disco.


    Lots of those categories, however, I never touch!

  2. I think there is a known issue with CM effectiveness being too high, for chaff anyway, against any radar missiles no matter the type. Not so much flares, but perhaps a bit there as well.


    With the explosions, maybe if you set your weapons down towards hard that wouldn't happen. I'm not sure what variable that affects, but if it's warhead size/blast radius it could explain why a missile detonating near you is taking you out. I admit I've never had my own take me down, but I've also never had it on full/easy.

  3. Easiest way to get a lock is switch to boresight mode and get within 10 miles then just point your nose at the target. Insta-lock! :grin:


    Then for the AIM-7 you watch for the "in range" light on the panel (and not a large X saying you're too close) or for the AIM-9 or other IR missile you listen for the growl to get louder.


    Locking up a target using search mode is more difficult.

  4. Wags is around, but his online participation is greatly reduced nowadays. I'm sure you'll see him on DCS' own forums.


    While nothing else may happen with LOMAC FC, this is a new start free of Ubi. I will certainly give them the benefit of the doubt with Black Shark before I make any determinations on whether to continue or not. It's also going to be interesting to see how things go on DCS' forums.


    If they do include SF, that will have to be weighed against each person's experience with it, of course. Personally I think CP is a burden only to the legit customers as the hackers either get past it and play it anyway or can't get past it and move on to something else, having lost nothing but a little time. The hackers aren't going to buy it no matter what. For now, anyway, only a few companies like Stardock and Thirdwire see things that way.

  5. The F-35 will have less costly stealth, but I think it's mostly the airframe while the F-22 has its emissions strictly regulated to a higher degree.


    The F-35's single engine will put out over 40,000lbs of thrust, while the F-16's never broke 30,000. In combat loadouts the F-35 should have a better T/W ratio. Only an F-16 carrying nothing but 2 missiles could likely match it, but the F-35 will have far greater range without tanks. Of course, right now it's hard to say what the combat weight of the F-35 will be, although it seems the T/W ratio may be just better than 1 most of the time.


    F-35A weighs 8k lbs more empty, but its engine has more than 10k more thrust while its MTOW is 18k lbs higher. In fact, the F-35A can carry as much fuel as an empty F-16 weighs!! :grin:

  6. Yeah, if a particular weapon is too good that might be because it really is that good! Of course, in real life there are other considerations than "best" such as price, maintainability, reliability, ammo availability, etc that aren't usually reflected in FPS games unless it's Stalker. :grin:


    See, if you're making an SF shooter then you can rock-paper-scissors the stuff all you want. If you're using REAL weapons, though, they better behave like real ones!

  7. The planes use the same weapons--aim-9x, advanced 120s, gun.

    The F-35s will all have AESA radars like the F-22s. Only a handful of F-15C's and the latest Super Hornets have it, but the ones on the F-22 and F-35 are tightly integrated with the rest of their avionics. This gives them abilities that are still being defined and are going to be highly classified, including jamming with the radar, using the radar to hack enemy computers, and so on.

    Being stealthy is only one of the improvements.

    The F-35 should also easily outfly the F-16 and Hornets as it has a far greater T/W ratio.

  8. I don't know about the rest of you, but I got a good feeling/sad feeling with the DCS announcement. On the one hand, it's not vaporware, it will be coming out!! :grin: Plus we don't have to wait for the NEXT title to start their "sequel" to LOMAC, BS will be the first part of said sequel now.


    OTOH, I can't help but be saddened that we won't be able to integrate it with LOMAC FC, and flying alongside A-10s will have to wait for a bit. This means FC will be known as the Su-25 study sim only with a few other planes in it.


    The only questions now are when, how much, how to get it, and is SF going to return?

  9. LOL, that's like those shots of galaxies where you zoom in and every point of light turns out to be ANOTHER galaxy.


    Turn those into Spits and Bf109s and it looks like a Battle of Britain shot! Never seen that many at once in any space game before, aside from maybe Homeworld.

  10. Those aren't the problem, it's the jars you stick in the fridge like of jelly or pickles or whatever. You take it out, and when you go to open it you discover it's slicker than teflon with moisture. ARGH.


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