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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Right now, stealth almost = invisible. However, its true intention is simply to reduce detectability. Then, once detected, make it hard to track. Then, if it can be tracked, make it hard to shoot down. That's what the uber agility is for. :wink:

  2. I tried the demo, but I didn't think it was worth $50. I'm waiting for a sale to pick it up. The AI for the bots is pretty good, though. Reminds me of UT's bots.


    Speaking of, I tried the UT3 demo this weekend and it's quite good too.

  3. I once reworded Bohemian Rhapsody into a WWII fighter song. I don't remember too much offhand, although I think I have it in a file somewhere, but the part I remember clearly is "Adolf Galland has a Focke-Wulf set aside for me....for me....for ME....."

  4. I never got BF2142 or BF2. The whole direction EA went with the franchise just ticked me off. Why'd they have to alter it so much from BF42? Oh, that's right, EA bought them out.


    I'm still playing SWBF2 for all my gaming in that area.

  5. Another member of the SW training club! Must be horribly disappointing to learn to fly the F-16 in open desert and then have to actually work in such small crowded airspace...


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