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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. What I hate is games that are console exclusives, or almost as bad are given a lame port to the PC.


    Of course, if every console had the same games then the point of having different consoles would disappear. The point really is that there are fewer exclusives now than ever before simply because game costs have gone so high that the cost of porting to other consoles is relatively small in return for the sales they will make by having them everywhere.

    So I think we're going to see fewer and fewer of them.

  2. Sgt. Peppers tought his band to play!


    no... wait....


    that was 20 years.



    Actually, it would be 60 years now, as Sgt Pepper's was released 40 yrs ago in June, and at THAT time it was 20 yrs. :wink:

  3. I used to have a 3700 myself. Now I have a 2.8GHz FX-57. When I had my 3700 and an X800 XT, I upgraded the 2 about a month apart. I can't remember what I did first, I think it was the CPU, but I saw pretty much no improvement until I upgraded the other as well.

    In other words, the 2 were well-suited to each other in speed and whichever I chose to upgrade first didn't matter as the other would hold me back until it too was upgraded.


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