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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Yes, of course the difference is unlike movies, which make more or less equal amounts their first 3 days, then little during the week, then more again (at around 50%) the 3 days of the next weeked, I'll bet MS makes 70% of their total the first day, and the sales will sharply taper off in the coming days as a lot of people who would get it already did the first day.

  2. I never got BoB2, but I have the others. Well, almost. I've still only got OFF1 installed. Haven't had the chance to do OFF2 yet, but that's because I've flown it so little. I've spent a lot more time in FE than in OFF just because I know someone with FE and we fly it MP. Solo-wise I've done about the same with both.


    For WWII, I have Il-2 and CFS3 installed, but again I never fly either offline, just MP. Since the guy I flew CFS3 with no longer has it installed, it means I've not touched it in months. When I fly props, it's Il-2, but it's not frequent.

  3. Black Shark will be coming out sometime, and that's a dedicated Ka-50 sim. However, no real idea WHEN it's coming out.

    Other than that, you can fly one in Armed Assault, but it's not a helo sim. It's an infantry sim with vehicles like the Ka-50 in it.


    EECH is definitely the best for flying the Hokum available now.

  4. I'm not sure why they put twin outward-canted tails on this F-5, but I know why it was done on the F/A-18--high AOA yaw control.

    The LERXs on the Hornet increased lift and agility, but the resulting vortices would impact the tail at high AOA and nullify its control. By canting them outward, they were brought outside the path of the vortices and regained yaw stability.


    This F-5 has no real LERXs that I can see. Also, being so small it doesn't need twin tails, a single tail would suffice.


    I'd say it has more to do with the visual impact than anything else. It works, doesn't mess it up, and LOOKS like they did something major to it.


    One major point to note, though...it's all in English. :biggrin:


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