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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I've still only played KOTOR2 once as light side. Been meaning to play DS, but just haven't had a chance. Played KOTOR thru twice, though.


    Am I the only one here still playing SWBF2? It's mindless compared to JKA, but the variety of combat and the vehicles keeps me coming back.

  2. "Oh that woman, got a mouth like an outboard motor. All the time, putt putt putt putt putt putt *putting/coughing sounds*"



    Foghorn: "Pay attention, son, look at me when I'm talking to ya."

    "Now who's repsons, I say, who's responsible for this unwarranted attack upon my person?"

    "Now wait a minute son, you paid no attention, you're starting too big! You gotta walk before you can run. Start small and, look at me when I'm talking to ya son, I say start SMALL and work up! Now try again, boy! Kids nowadays, they know it all."

    "Pay attention to me, boy! I'm not just talkin to hear my head roar!"

    "Say something! Explain yourself! Your tongue's flappin but no noise is coming out of your big mouth!"

    "That boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball."

    "Now what, I say, what's the big idea bashin me on the noggin with a rolling pin? Clunk enough people and we'll have a nation of lumpheads!"



    Of course, who can forget the classic:

    "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal! Send me a kiss by wire, baby my heart's on fire! If you refuse me, honey you lose me, and you'll be left alone, oh baby, come on and tell me I'm your own..."

  3. To be fair, there really aren't any sims with 90s and 00s stuff on the market other than F4:AF and LOMAC that let you have all the stuff those planes have now. Even the next TK sim will end in 1982 to keep the reqs for fancy avionics down. The last one to really do it was Jane's USAF.


    Only ones I've seen lately are Over G Fighters and Ace Combat for the consoles, and those barely qualify because of their arcade nature.


    While you can DL recent jets for WOE and such, you're still limited in what you can do with them vs what those older sims let you do. I'd love a modern rendition of ATF/NATO Fighters/Fighter Anthology with all those modern planes up to and including the F-22, F-35, F/A-18E/F, Typhoon II, Rafale, Gripen, Su-35, Su-30MK, MiG-35, etc etc. I just don't know if we'll see it unless several releases down the road TK finally goes that route.

  4. "What sort of operation are you performing today?"

    "It is a birth."

    "Ah, and what is that?"

    "That is when we take a baby out of a woman's tummy."

    "Ah, fabulous things we can do nowadays!"

  5. That wiki specifically is contrary to what I saw in those leaked shots. No F-4 Phantom, no Vietnam. It was a C-47 in the mountains, although the mountains weren't identified. While AC-47s WERE used during Nam, it wasn't one of those.

    I don't know if it was to be West Euro again or Pacific (following their "see saw" with CFS 1-3 going WE, Pac, WE), but it could've been a C-47 flying over "the hump."

  6. Nope. Won't ever happen with Il-2.

    Do remember the game as originally envisioned was about flying the Il-2 and its variants ONLY. Other planes were added to make it have wider appeal, and now it has more stock flyable planes than any other sim ever made. However, many compromises were made for that to happen and I don't think heavy bombers would work right.


    Look for SoW:BoB and its descendants to change that, though.

  7. Anyone can make a prediction. If you're wrong, people tend not to notice. If you're right, they do.

    Predicting the 2003 Iraq invasion was like predicting a hurricane hitting Florida "somewhere, someday, at some strength."


    Predicting an attack on Iran is no different. As for declaring tac nukes would be used, naturally there are plans for that, but the choice as to whether they'd be used or not is totally different. Quite simply, the resulting "fallout" from using it would have to be seen as less damaging than NOT using them. Since that would have to be a pretty bad situation, all we can do is hope the Pentagon gets GOOD intelligence to make the right choice. Bad intel helps no one.

  8. Assuming a pilot got no discplinary action because you're unaware of it doesn't seem logical to me. I think that for security reasons the IDFAF won't SAY who the pilot was or what action was taken, but I think they run too tight a ship to allow pilots to just blow things up haphazardly with no reaction.Not to say Israel has never done things it shouldn't have or might have done differently, what nation can say that? Some people however seem to demonize them for doing things other than "allow yourself to be walked on" though.

    Agreed. You can't be biased against a nation thats only trying to deffend itself. If deffending itself means taking the offensive than so be it. Other countires like the U.S and France do it all the time but you dont see anyone complaining about them,
    Wait, didn't France complain about the US doing it? :biggrin:

  9. With no helo sims out aside from the disappointing EE2, all that exists is people still playing LB2 and EECH w/mods. Still waiting on Black Shark. Slim pickings there.


    Anyway, for whatever reason you'll see that certain forums get the traffic for certain sims with others getting only minor traffic. Frugal's gets the F4 crowd, SimHQ gets the Il-2 crowd, we get the SFP1/WOE/FE crowd, BH Motorsports and Race Sim Central the racing crowd, Subguru and Subsim the naval crowd, etc.

    Not to say all these boards don't talk about all the sims, just less traffic for F4 here and at SHQ than at Frugal's for whatever reason. :dntknw:

  10. But apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?


    Brought peace?


    Oh, pea-- Shut up!


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