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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Yeah. NBC bought it and then it was all about cutting costs--hence the cancellation of SG-1 despite it being a high-rated show. The production costs for the show were probably the highest on the channel. It's also likely why BSG will end at season 4...too much risk that SFC would cancel it at the end anyway even if they wanted to go to S5.

  2. You kidding me? I've never even owned a mower! The day we moved into this house we hired someone to cut the lawn. :wink:


    As for games...I've got so many that I'm playing I can barely keep track!

  3. Yeah, that's why BSG is on it. SFC is also owned by NBC now. I remember it used to be USA networks.


    Aren't there commercials on it? It seems to just show old commercial TV stuff, why isn't it free?

  4. It's funny how the Chinese seem to have taken other planes that never made it like they should have and modernized them.

    J-10--> Lavi

    JH-7A--> Modern Jaguar

    FC-1--> F-20


    Granted the JH-7 seems to have bigger engines than the Jaguar, and the FC-1's profile reminds me of an F-102 a bit. :grin:


    The amazing thing is the amount of money that is being spent to put all these into production simultaneously is staggering. In addition to those 3, they also have the license-built Flankers and the imported 2-seater Flankers, plus many other things.

  5. If we're talking "out of the box", then GTR2 would get my nod, followed by GTL, then rFactor, then GPL.


    However, because of the great mods and tracks, rFactor gets more driving time from me right now then all my other racing sims combined for the past several years. :grin: Yeah, there are some bad mods, but I tend to stick to just a few. The Formula BMWs, Lupos, Meganes, Super Clios, FSONE 2006, and Demons/Protons have taken a lot of my time. :wink:


    After rF, I'd say GTR2 w/extra tracks and GPL 2004 w/extras are running tied for 2nd. GTL is my only one still in "ootb" condition, although I might have a couple of extra tracks for it loaded. The main problem with GTL is I got rF not long after, so I've not had nearly as much time in it as I'd like.


    Doesn't help that I fly and play tac FPS and RTS as well as race! :wink:


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