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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. Anyone else here getting the new B5 DVD? I can't wait to see it, especially with the advances in CGI over the years like we've seen in Firefly and BSG.

    It's too bad the Garibaldi part was dropped and pushed back for the (so far without ETA) 2nd release, but we get Sheridan and Lochley with Galen in the mix.

  2. The new BSG is totally different from the old. Think the difference between the Adam West Batman and the Christian Bale Batman and you'll get the idea.


    I thought the old BSG was great for kids who liked Star Wars. The new BSG is great for adults who liked B5. :wink:

  3. I've seen commercials on SFC lately for a new Flash Gordon series, and they've got Queen's theme in them. :grin:


    I don't know much else about it, although I've heard the show is to be more "serious" and less "campy" like the film was 25 years ago.


    It starts next month, so I figure I'll watch a couple of shows and give it a shot.

    I watched maybe 6 of Painkiller Jane before I gave it up, so maybe this will be better.

  4. I remember Elf saying there was an F-15 2.0 in the works, possibly around the time of the A-10 game, but both were cancelled shortly after Jane's F/A-18 release.


    Other than that, Jane's F-15 was the last commercially released F-15-only sim. LOMAC had the F-15C, released a few years later, but its loading screen was the one with the guy in camo with his back to the camera directing the plane. WoE has the F-15A, but its loading screen is just a pair taking off.

    That's it for combat sims with F-15s. I would've loved to see another Strike Eagle sim, but Jane's was the last one.


    I'm thinking the loading screen you remember seeing way back just doesn't show anymore because your PC now is far more powerful than what you had back then.

  5. IIRC, there were more F-14Bs made than D's. You could turn an A into a B with relatively little work, as it was pretty much just an engine change, but the D had a totally new cockpit as well.

    By retiring the A's they standardized the fleet on one engine, but it was still different enough that they split the 2 models between the east and west coasts.

    Anyway, the B is the plane the F-14 was meant to be and the D was the plane it could've been. Of course, after the end of the Cold War not only was production stopped but the rigs were ordered destroyed so no more could be made. :sorry:

  6. Yeah, tell me about it. Two years ago we had a boon with Surface, Threshold, and Invasion...all cancelled, and only 2 made a full season. Still, all left us hanging.


    The best part of QL was the Sam/Al interactions, proving once again good shows are character-based as much as anything else.

  7. Show me something published in Nature, THE premier and most respected scientific journal showing human actions have had no significant effect on global warming. Then I won't give a s**t about CO2 emissions or the polar ice caps melting.



    You can't prove a negative. You can either show a direct link or an indirect link between human activity and warming, or you can't. If you can't, it doesn't mean there aren't any, or isn't one, it just means that you can't prove it.


    That's like saying "prove that my daily ritual of garlic gargling doesn't prevent attack by vampires."

    Fact: you gargle garlic.

    Fact: you've not been attacked by vampires.

    Doesn't prove garlic prevents vampire attack.


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