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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. rfactorcentral USED to have links that were good. The guy pulled them after he apparently had mega bandwidth bills. He later reinstated very slow links. It's a shame.


    As for FSONE, it's ok, but I think the low speed handling leaves a lot to be desired. As soon as you're below 100mph all bets are off as to what the car will do. I prefer the BMW F1 car from ISI.

  2. I might get RACE 2007 then. I skipped 2006 because people I knew told me it didn't really offer much that was different from GTR2 or rFactor.

    I have both of those, plus GTL and of course the old reliable, GPL, installed right now.

    I have F1C and NASCAR 2003 lying around, but not installed. I barely touch any but rFactor right now anyway.

  3. The only way it could work is if they took the characters and transplanted them to a more realistic modern situation. There's nothing wrong with the characters, and they're better defined than most war movie characters are.

  4. Well, Wing Cmdr was fixed in that X was yaw, Y was pitch, and twist was roll. I seem to recall in the X Wing series, though, that X was a combination of roll and yaw...

  5. The thing that strikes me about the futility of war is the failure to understand the other side's similarities and differences. Everyone always seems to think that by attacking they will make the people pressure their gov'ts into whatever they want...yet history has shown people will band together against an outside attacker.

    At the same time, if the identical tactics are used AGAINST them, they claim "we won't surrender!" Um, hello? Why do these people think that blowing things up at random here and there is going to bring about some massive worldwide change?

  6. They don't care if a movie is "good" or "bad." How many product placements have you seen in Oscar winning films?

    They only care if it will make them look good/increase sales. In this case, Porsche possibly thought that it would do more to hurt their sales with their existing clientele than it would to make Joe Schmo and his friends new customers.

  7. Our AC is at 80 during the day and 78 when we're home. Of course, when it's over 90 outside that's still pretty cool. :grin: We also have the ceiling fans, although we only have them on in the rooms we're in with one exception--the living room fan seems to circulate air around the house to an extent that the AC goes on less often when it's on. So that one stays on most of the time.

    We recycle and have changed out several of our "spotlight" bulbs. Other than that, not much...you reach that diminishing returns point where large amounts of effort result in little difference.


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