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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. I agree, they should've let it be. The A-10 has some odd characteristics I've noticed, which the Harrier does not. Specifically, everyone knows you pull back on the stick to tighten a turn...but the A-10 won't. In turns exceeding about 30 degrees of bank, the elevators seem to stop working. I'll have full back stick and get no response. Roll a bit level and WHAM! Up goes the nose.


    If the A-10 in ArmA flew like the one in LOMAC I'd clean up. :grin:

  2. They're sure to modify the FMs again with later patches, but this is still primarily an infantry sim with other elements of the total battlefield included. This in no way qualifies as a helo or jet sim! :grin:


    Actually, the genesis of OFP WAS to be BF with a much larger map. As they were developing it, though, BIS got the idea to make the infantry more realistic. They left the vehicles as is.

  3. Word for Windows 6.0 was the version of MS Word that preceded Word 95, that came out with Windows 95.

    Prior to Win95, MS didn't use years to name its products. Of course, the more laughable fact is there weren't actually 6 versions...they just named it 6.0 to compete with the standard Word Perfect 6 at that time.

  4. Jazz was the other Autobot, Devastator the tank and Blackout the MH-53 were the other Decepticons.


    They obviously renamed some of them, as Devastator was originally the name of the giant one formed by the Constructicons.


    Oh, and I believe she called Bumblebee a "broken down old Camaro". :wink:


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