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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. You didn't stay during the credits, did you? Starscream flew off into space at the end.


    This movie was BAD ASS. :grin: It had a lot more humor than I was expecting.


    "These parents are irritating. Can I eliminate them?"

    "Ironhide! You know we don't harm the humans!"

    "It was just a suggestion."

  2. Zuraw is Polish for stork or crane, and the other part is a slavic-derived part meaning "son of."

    The only thing I wonder is if our names are actually the same. If you hear mine said in Polish, it doesn't sound exactly like it's spelled. I'm guessing yours is the same, and it's not outside the realm of possibility that it's simply the same name (pronounced the same) that's been spelled differently by the Ellis people. :grin:

  3. I think my grandfather was born in Warsaw, but I don't really know too much about my father's parents because they both died over 20 years ago, and the one who lived longer was in bad shape the last 5 or so years she was alive and unable to have a conversation. All I know is they had no accent, but my father's grandmother did.

  4. No, those were the same ones here. I don't know who Thunderchief was, but it wasn't one of Starscream's buddies. I had Skywarp because I liked the black w/purple outline scheme.


    I got the 20th anniversary DVD too. Great hearing Eric Idle as Wreck Gar again.

  5. 2.) Unless your reading a soccer (Football for you Europeans) forum... I'm like 99.9% guaranteed that no one else is using the name 3.) My nick in high school was "zoo"... which just doesn't emote any sense of authority.


    Thus Zurawski and the now infamous Zur-TECH.com was born!



    Don't be so sure! Mine is Zurawiecki. :wink:

  6. So far I don't think there are any "must have"s for ArmA other than the 1.08 patch. Lots of stuff in development, though.


    MP is the highlight of the game because the friendly AI can be real frustratingly stupid at times. :grin:

    The SP missions that came with ArmA aren't the best, but you can go to sites like armaholic.com and grab many more that will work SP or MP as well as SP-only missions that put the stock ones to shame. The size of the islands and the terrain diversity and detailed towns makes for some great gaming.


    Games like DoD, CS, and BF are more about team v team adversarial, but ArmA/OFP is all about coop. A small human force vs a large AI force plus numerous vehicles. It's not BF type vehicles, though.

  7. Current prevailing feelings seem to be that EE2 isn't finished yet. Lots of bugs and such, but lots of potential. Most have gone back to modded EECH for now while waiting for the first patch for EE2. Your experience may differ, of course. The UK version of the game is available online, but a US version is coming (and will likely have the 1st patch already in it I guess).


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