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Posts posted by JediMaster

  1. You were in HS when Toy Story came out?!?! Man, I feel old.


    Anyway, mine is rather self-explanatory. I got it back in the SWOTL days for my tendency to "know" when I have an enemy plane on my six and break before I get hit. I just "used the Force."

    They say in air combat most of the planes shot down never saw the one who did it. That never happens to me...it's always the one I'm trying to shoot down that gets me! :aggressive:

  2. TM went downhill after it was sold to Guillemot. In the old Hoffman/Church days the place was tops. I had several FCS, a pro FCS, the T1 wheel, and the complete FLCS/TQS/RCS combo. Now I have the Cougar. I must say I had almost zero issues until my first FLCS was a few years old, in the late 90s. I sent it back to TM for repair/replacement like 5 times in a 2 year period for things like the keyboard part failing or wild spiking or so on.


    Bob's SWF22 digital chips fixed most of that and I was fat and happy until gameports became obsolete.

  3. The old B-17 sims from MPS had missions that were hours long. You could time compress, of course. Take off from England, circle while your squadron forms up, fly out, over the Channel/North Sea, into enemy airspace...braving flak and/or fighters until your IP, line up with the Norden, drop, turn for home and back all the way to England...hoping your gear still works, you're in one piece, and you don't crash. :grin:


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